Chapter 3

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Bakugous POV:
  I woke up and stretched, groaning and then exhaling deeply after relaxing, soon after the sunrises orange hue on the forest caught my attention. However, my gaze on the forest shifted when I saw Kirishima sleeping peacefully, his light skin was a golden hue from the suns rays, and his hair had fire like highlights that nearly glowed.
  Then I realized how dirty he was and huffed, I shook him awake and he bolted upwards and looked around. "What the hell?! Ow...." he whimpered and looked down at the bandage. It took him a second to see me, "oh, hey.... What's your name..?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed nervously.
  "Bakugou Katsuki, now come on, you should be able to walk now. We're going to the lake because you're filthy." I walked away and started to put on my cape, spiked bracelets, and boots. He got up and put on his boots, but then he realized his shirt was covered in blood and sighed.
  "You don't happen to have a shirt do you...?" He started to play with his hair, I could tell he was slightly intimidated by me. I nodded and got him a shirt. "Put it on quickly, I don't like wasting time on these things during the fall." I huffed and he nodded while putting it on.
  We walked out of the cave and upwards, he followed me and stopped every now and then to look at the views, for some reason I was more patient with him and waited for him to take it in. If he got a little to into the view and kept on staring for more than I could tolerate I would grab him by the wrist and pull him towards the lake.
  "Um, Bakugou, do you live alone?" I heard him from behind me and I nodded. "Yes I do, and I like the quiet. What about you? Where the hell did you come from?" I looked behind me and he bit his lip. "I can't really remember where I was born, but I live in a small village far from here, I don't live near the kingdom." He pointed to the small castle in the distance and I nodded. He smiled and his eyes widened when he saw a bunny.
  "Awww, look at it! Its turning white!" He bent down and reached his hand out, surprisingly the bunny met its nose with his finger tips. "You ate one of those last night, and come on! We need to keep moving!" I pulled him up and grabbed his wrist again. "What?! That's awful! I'm okay with birds and like, cows, but not cute little bunnies!" He whined. I rolled my eyes.
  When we got to the lake I started to take off my cape and my boots, then my belt before I turned around to see him watching. "TURN THE HELL AROUND!" I yelled and he blushed before turning around. "IM SORRY! It was just so sudden..." he scratched the back of his head. I huffed and finished taking everything off and got into the lake, "Come in nasty." I chuckled and went under water. When I got up I made sure to face my back towards him, then I was soon tackled by him.
  "Hey!" I turned around and began to lightly slap him and he laughed. "The water is so nice! Too nice actually... I can't really look down it's so clear..." he blushed and looked up. I shrugged, "Clean this mess up, you don't want to get sick." I pointed to the dirt on his face and the caked up blood on his chest. He nodded and closed his eyes before going under water. I backed up and went to the edge of the lake.
  I rested my arms on the ground and looked over my shoulder, watching him wash off the dirt and blood. He met my eyes and looked confused, "what?" He yelled from across the lake. "NOTHING!" I snapped before burying my face in my arms.
  I need to get my head out of my ass, the hell am I staring at him for? When did I get so patient with people? Hell, I went to the mountains to get away from people...
  "I'm done!" Kirishima called in a sing-song voice and tapped my shoulder. I turned around and glared, "You missed a spot." I laughed and he tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? Where?" He looked around on himself and then back at me. "RIGHT HERE!" I flipped him off and laughed. "Hey!" He laughed along with me and tackled me again. This time I played along too and we spent a good 30 minutes play fighting eachother.
  I know if this was anyone else that I'd never do this..... so why the hell am I doing this with him..? What's so special about him..? Why do I... why do I like his company..?
Oh no....
Fuck I'm in love with this guy.

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