Chapter 5

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Kirishimas POV:
While Bakugou was gone I decided to check what was in the back of the cave, there was a lake after all. It wasn't very big though, it looked like he made it himself too. I sighed in boredom and walked around the cave some more.
I stumbled upon his weapons, he had multiple spears, a bow and arrow, some knives and a sword. But not just any sword, this sword had the kings royal guard symbol on it. I tilted my head and traced the raised textures on the handle with my pointer finger. The handle was gold, and had designs of vines and fire carved out on it, it was very beautiful.
I looked closer at the knives too, some were obviously made by him, but some seemed to be professionally made by a black smith. There were two that seemed very luxurious and some seemed to be very basic. The two had similar designs to the sword, one had the royal guard symbol and one didn't.
Suddenly I heard foot steps, I snapped my head to the opening of the cave and saw him standing there. He had his hood up, but the rest of his body was wet from the rain. I smiled and put the knife down before waving. He set what he hunted down and took his hooded cape off, along with his bracelets, weapons and boots.
"See you've been snooping around..." he grumbled and I looked away and sighed, "I just got really bored.... I didn't know I wasn't allowed I'm sorry." I scratched the back of my head and he sighed, "You're pretty intrigued with the fancy knives, I was too as a kid."
He walked over and grabbed the knife with the royal symbol on it, and moved it around with his fingers. I watched it flash and glimmer when it caught the setting suns light. "It was my moms, the other one was my dads." He stopped moving it and moved his finger up and down vertically across the blade to see if it was still sharp.
"Where are they?" I raised an eyebrow and he sighed, "Well, my mom was a Knight, and my dad was the royal blacksmith. My mom died in battle and my dad was taken prisoner, he was announced dead two days after." I looked down and bit my lip, "I- I'm sorry..." he shrugged and said, "never had a close relationship with them anyways." He set the knife down.
"After they passed the king wanted me to take her place, I practiced sword fighting and horse back riding whenever I could. I always dreamt of being in the royal guard.... but when I finally had the chance I just... couldn't? I think it was just all the people, the yelling, the... the chaos of it all." He picked up a smooth, worn down stone and then the knife before sharpening it.
"So you ran away?" I looked at him and he nodded. We both sat down at the fire and talked for awhile about our past. "Did you have any friends growing up?" I watched his face glare at the fire. "Sort of." He looked back down and the knife he was sharpening. "Who?" I smiled. He rolled his eyes.
"This kid names Izuku Midoriya, I called him Deku. He drew all the time, ALL the time... it was so annoying. He always followed me around, apparently he wants to be the designer for royal clothing. His mom was a tailor, she made him his clothes, they were sort of....poor you could say." he got up and put the knife back before grabbing a less flashy one.
"Oh, well I have some friends back home, they're names are Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. They're all really cool." I laughed thinking about them. "They're also really funny." He nodded and continued to sharpen his knife. "I need to go to the kingdom to get some supplies, you wanna come? We could run into that shitty Deku possibly." I nodded, "yeah!"
He smiled, a genuine smile, and I felt my heart race and my face heat up. "You okay? Wait a minute, you haven't been laying down! Lay down idiot! You're hurt! Go! Go! Shoo!" He got up and grabbed my arm before pulling me up I yelled. When I was fully up he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my bed, "lay down dumbass!" I nodded and laid down.
He threw the blankets on me and huffed before going back to the fire. I blushed and rubbed my hand under the covers. He held my hand... I smiled at the thought and closed my eyes.

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