Chapter 8

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Kirishimas POV:
  I watched Bakugou as he slept, not feeling very tired myself. He would sometimes flinch, nearly startling me and I somehow always found myself stroking him to calm him down. It was slowly getting colder as well, and I watched the fire die down.
  To keep warm I grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around us both and I smiled when he nestled deeper into my lap. I brushed my fingers through his thick fluffy hair and then felt my face go red when he mumbled something softly,
  "Kirishima.... I love you Kirishima...." he put his hand on my thigh and gently caressed it with his thumb. Without thinking I jumped and he woke up startled, "WHAT THE HELL?!" He looked around and then saw a blushing and panicking mess that was... me.
  "S- sorry! I just got a little startled is all..." I laughed and rubbed the back of my head before scrunching up my red messy hair. He glared and tilted his head, "was it a noise? Did something move out there?" He looked around and then retrieved a well used knife.
  "No! You just said something in your sleep..." I looked away and blushed again, he put the knife back and put his hands on his hips.
  "What did I say?"
  "Nothing! It's fine..."
  "I want to know what I said Kirishima, if it startled you then it's obviously something I should fucking know. Maybe I should apologize or... whatever."
  "You um....." I thought for a minute, debating whether or not to lie. Feeling his eyes stare at me was already scaring me a lot, but then he really scared me when he all the sudden barked "HURRY THE FUCK UP IDIOT! I WANT TO GO BACK TO FUCKING SLE-"
  "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!!" I covered my mouth and his eyes went wide and he froze. The air went dead and only the crackling of the dying fire could be heard. He looked away and I could just barely see a blush on him, it was cute and made my heart flutter. That's when I remembered that I have feelings for him too....
"U- um...." he scratched the back of his head and he went quiet, he was almost.... shy? I saw his blush build up and I stood up.
  "Fuck... I'm sorry... I shouldn't..." I could see frustration build inside him, and I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders, making him jump.
  "Bakugou... um... if you really do feel that way... I..." I looked down and then back at him, "I love you too!" I felt my heart jump and I immediately began to think he really didn't mean what he said when he was asleep.
  Then, all the disbelief I had that he didn't love me was proven wrong when he responded, "I love you.... I loved you the moment we started to talk... the moment I saw you..." I smiled and grabbed his hands gently. He looked down at our intertwined hands and blushed.
  I then pulled him closer and he looked at me with a flustered look and yelped when I pressed my lips on his. He relaxed after a couple seconds and when he pulled away he huffed and I laughed. Then it was my turn to be embarrassed when he hugged me tightly while burying his face in the crook of my neck.
  After that we laid down together and hugged one another, which eventually led to him being the little spoon and me being the big spoon. I kissed the back of his neck and he elbowed me softly and huffed before snuggling closer. 

And that's the end!! Thanks for reading! Maybe I should make more fanfics, I find them quite fun to write but.... time!!! I never have a schedule for these things ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

I also have a BNHA twitter AU on Instagram!! If you're interested follow me at bnhattwitter!

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