Chapter 16: Hangover Soup

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The Next Morning
Narrator Point of View

"Aish. My head." Groaned Y/N was she sat up with a pounding headache.
She squinted at the bright morning sunlight.

She rubbed her eyes and looked around her. A moment of panic happened within her as she realized that she wasn't inside her bedroom.
The room she was in was magnificent. It was four times the size of her own bedroom.
She was laying on a king-sized bed, covered with satin sheets and pillowcases.

No wonder she had the best sleep of her entire life last night..
The room had a huge chandelier above, and was decorated with gold and white interior designs.

The room had a huge chandelier above, and was decorated with gold and white interior designs

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"Where am I?" She said out loud.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and without a response, the person entered.


Seokjin smiled and sat beside Y/N and put a wet cloth on her forehead.

"You're finally up. God, you were WASTED last night." He informed.

"What? What exactly happened?" Y/N said in confusion.

"Well, you downed a couple bottle of sojus, and drank some champagne and you were completely OUT." Jin explained and laughed.

"I don't have good tolerance for alcohol, I get so drunk with only a little bit. It's the worst." Y/N groaned.
"So uh, how'd I get here? And where am I exactly?" Y/N asked, still confused.

"We're in Taehyung's mansion. Everyone got pretty wasted, except Jungkook and Taehyung. I remember you falling while dancing on stage, and Jungkook caught you when you fell, with his perfect aim of course. He carried you bridal style and put you to bed." Jin explained.

"He what? But I'm in different clothes..did he-" Y/N started freaking out.

"No, you idiot. He's an actual gentleman. Their whole group stayed here and him and Taehyung asked Nayeon and I to stay as well to take care of you. Nayeon was the one who changed you." Jin assured.

Y/N relaxed.
"Where's Nayeon anyway?"

"Still sleeping. I'm waking her up after you. It's only 7 A.M. I decided to wake up early to make everyone food when they wake up." Jin informed.

"I still have a throbbing headache. Can't I sleep in til 8? Pleaseeee?" Y/N begged.

Jin was reluctant,y, but he knew that his best friend was tired.
"Fine. Get more rest. You deserve it." Jin says as he stood up and headed to the door.

I'll wake you up at 8 sharp." He says last before he shuts the door.

Y/N smiles happily and went back to bed.

|1 hour later|

"Y/N. Wake up."

"5 more minutes.." whined a sleepy and hungover Y/N. She rolled over and covered her ears with her pillow.

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