Chapter 10: Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)

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******Nightrose's POV******

Without either of her brothers, Sparkpaw or Patchfur in camp the place seemed rather quiet. On average, the day was normal. Featherflight and Dawnpaw spent the day tending to Comfreyleaf who'd gotten a bellyache from last night's mouse, her kits played outside. Cloudkit, Sandkit and Tumblekit were all lively little kittens.

They were constantly seen darting to and fro around the camp. Their little bodies sure cover a lot of ground, she'd thought that morning as she saw them attempting to climb High Rock. Luckily they couldn't get very far with such little claws, so Dapplefur was able to pluck them down easily.

She'd watched bemusedly as the former queen scolded them, warning the three mischief makers about the dangers of climbing when they didn't know what they were doing. This prompted the kits to beg Dapplefur to teach them. The senior warrior had given them a firm 'no' before turning to leave. The kits had been disappointed by that, and Nightrose knew this wouldn't be the last time the three of them would be asking some cat for climbing lessons.

Meanwhile, the warriors were milling across the clearing as Vultureclaw orders out patrols. Nightrose eyes the dark tabby with disdain, she unlike many of her clan mates knew just what kind of savagery the tom was capable of. As expected, the deputy hadn't been happy when he heard about Arrowheart, Patchfur and Sparkpaw's quest to find WolfClan.

The older tom had been even more unhappy when he'd heard that Goldenclaw and Violetpaw were being sent off. She'd listened, seething as the tom ranted about how more experienced cats should've been sent off on these missions. Blossomstar had silenced his arguments with a few firm words, none of which Nightrose heard from her eavesdropping spot a few paces away by the fresh-kill pile.

If anything, Vultureclaw having been told off only made the kinslayer grumpier then usual. She considers herself lucky that she doesn't have to deal with his snide remarks, instead going to get Smokepaw for some climbing lessons. While climbing is a primarily FaerieClan skill, HunterClan was known to be good climbers too. It made sense, seeing as their Forest territory was also filled with sturdy trees (more so compared to WolfClan, MagicClan or FangClan's territories at any rate).

The Apprentice's Den is cast in early morning mist when she reaches it; the grass damp from melted frost. Stripepaw and Mousepaw had headed out earlier in the morning already on the dawn patrol, and Dawnpaw was out with her mentor. That left Smokepaw's dark gray form the only one amidst the cluster of nests inside the den when she peeked her head in. He was snoring quietly inside, sprawled on his back. His tail twitched idly as though he was dreaming.

She notices with a pang the spot he'd left open in his nest for his tortoiseshell sister. The little tom hadn't said anything yet, though she knew he was missing his littermate Violetpaw. It was strange to be a part from your kin for any period of time; Nightrose could strongly relate to the young tom considering how both of her brothers were out of camp.

The thought of her brothers being away sent a pang of longing through her. She'd wanted to go with both Arrowheart and Goldenclaw, but it hadn't been Blossomstar's will. At the very least, Goldenclaw was going somewhere he knew. The golden tabby has Violetpaw to keep his paws full with, the apprentice was practically vibrating with excitement when they'd left camp. I think this will be good for him; getting away for awhile should help him figure out what to do about his feelings for Sparkpaw.

Arrowheart was the brother she was more worried about. The black furred warrior was going with Patchfur and Sparkpaw to a tunnel in WolfClan that led to an unknown destination. She had already imagined several scenarios as to where they could end up, each place being more horrific then the last. She itches to go after them, but settles for waking up Smokepaw.

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