Chapter 13: Why does the Mundane have to come along? (Malec) (Climon)

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******Goldenclaw's POV******

After helping Jemsong drag Phillip's body out of the Cave for burial he'd asked the ombré furred tom if there was anything else he could do. The Silent Forest was no longer filled with the caterwauling of battle, but the devastation wrought upon the Silent Brothers was expansive and devastating. If there's anything I can do to help then I should, the golden tabby thought.

He was disappointed by Zachariah's response. The two toms were padding down to the path of rock crags they'd climbed up to get to the secret entrance. All the gritty rock was making Goldenclaw's paw pads ache, he was almost certain they'd be sore tomorrow.

+ No my young friend. You have done more than enough. Besides, your companions are waiting for you.+ Zachariah projects with a flick of his tail, the top a pure white in coloring.

Goldenclaw's mind raced with the realization. By the Angel, I completely forgot about Violetpaw and Ravenspirit! The warrior had been so caught up in helping out the Silent Brothers that he hadn't stopped to think about his two traveling companions for even a heartbeat. What if Frostfang's goons got to them?! His heart raced with fear.

As if sensing his concern, Jemsong went to reassure him + It is alright Goldenclaw. The Circle would not have been able to get to them from where they are at the top of the falls.+ The Silent Brother's words did little to calm his spirit.

I need to get to them! Now! He could picture Violetpaw and Ravenspirit clearly now: the two cats had been yowling out to him as he leapt off the cliff. Surely they knew Goldenclaw was alright.....right? But what if they don't? For all they know the jump killed me. The more he thought about it the more uneasy he became.

"Can we go to them now? I...I need your help getting back up there." Goldenclaw was unsure if he should tell Zachariah about his leap off the cliff.

It's confusing enough to me that I was able to do that in the first place. That was at least a thirty or more foot drop. Explaining that to Zachariah won't be easy nor possible right now. He covertly glances at his flanks where his runes had glowed a blazing golden.

Through thick tabby fur he could see the ink black lines of permanent runes etched into his skin. They'd stopped shining ages ago, but that hadn't made him lose the soft buzz he still felt thrumming in his heart like a bird trapped in a cage. Oddly enough this feeling wasn't that unpleasant, just very weird. Tingling is the best word for it, Goldenclaw thinks as he flexes his claws.

+ Of course. Follow me.+ Jemsong replies. Goldenclaw lets out a sigh of relief that the Silent Brother doesn't ask any questions. The two cats make it to the top of the falls surprisingly quick, though at this point the golden tabby's paw pads feel like they've been rubbed raw.

"Goldenclaw!" Violetpaw's high pitched mew exclaims. The tortoiseshell races over to meet the two toms, her purple eyes wide with worry. Ravenspirit trails behind her, albeit at a slower pace. The healer's eyes were oddly narrowed, and it made Goldenclaw's pelt prickle with unease.

"Hey guys. Sorry I left so suddenly." He says. When Violetpaw reaches his side, her cold nose is reaching out to get a good whiff at him, as though knowing his smell will tell her whatever she wants to find out about him.

Ravenspirit takes the more practical approach of eyeing the warrior's wounds. Goldenclaw keeps his chin held high, he'd gotten a few scrapes from Ratchet and from the Sour twins but other than that he was mostly uninjured.

My paw pads hurt more than the claw marks on my flanks. The blood that had been oozing had long since dried, the dark burgundy scabs making faint streaks of orange appear in his fur. Goldenclaw can't help but meet the healer's gaze, wondering what he might be thinking.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now