Chapter 42: Blood Transfusion (Clace)

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***Arrowheart's POV***

His body burned with pain as he writhed in Frostfang's hold. His tail lashed behind him as his paws scrabbled on the wet stone. The sounds of chaotic battle filled the air, as did the splashing in the river. The ice had broken in some parts. Frondleap was still fighting against Ratchet. Blood stained the water red. Arrowheart could only hope none of it belonged to his parabatai. Goldenclaw was out of his line of sight, and with Frostfang to deal with he wouldn't be able to come to the golden tabby's aid any time soon.

"I thought you were much tougher than this Arrowheart. What a disappointment."

Frostfang had knocked him down into a crouch. For whatever reason the older tom had a better grip on the stone, his scarred face filled with vicious anger. Arrowheart tried to keep his own paws steady on the wet surface, his claws aching with gripping down on something so impossible to find a hold in. All of the moss clinging to the stones from earlier had been shredded away into a torn up mess incapable of providing any grip. His pelt felt as cold as ice, his teeth chattering as icy water splashed up onto him. That was another problem he didn't know how to address. The numbness of the water was making it hard for him to feel much of anything. This apparently did not waver Frostfang however who seemed to take the cold water with stride.

"Says the cat whose the greatest disappointment to HunterClan of all. Just how many of your former clan mates have you killed Frostfang? How many innocents have you wiped out just because they have demon blood in their veins?"

His body suddenly burned with righteous anger as he thought about what this cat would do if he ever got in power again. All the Downworlders in the forest would be lambs to slaughter, especially Patchfur, who didn't even have the sanctuary of one of these Downworlder clans to hide in anymore. Arrowheart reared up at Frostfang, swiping his claws down the white tom's chest. The move wasn't deep enough to kill the Circle leader — he had moved away at the last second— but it had done sufficient damage all the same. Blood welled up in the wounds he had created, the dark liquid clinging to his paws providing a new warmth to them he hadn't felt in what felt like ages.

"You will regret those words Arrowheart. Just as you will regret attacking me. Someday I will have all the power I need to rule the forest and then there will be no mercy for cats like you."

Arrowheart growled. "I'd like to see you try. As long as the five clans stand together we will not be torn apart by the likes of you or the Circle."

"That was well said Arrowheart."

Just as they'd agreed, Clearstar had made his way to the other side of the river. The white tom was ready to corner Frostfang and deal whatever blows he could. Arrowheart could feel victory soaring in his pelt. Things were going right!


Frostfang smiled through the blood dripping from his muzzle. "How nice to see such fools working together, but I fear this cooperation will not go as well as you have hoped."

It was only then that he realized something was rising out of the river. Water shifted in vicious sprays, forcing the cats would had been fighting in the water to be sent flying. Arrowheart watched in shock as the watery serpent appeared. It was a nasty thing with a body like ink and eyes that glowed an evil red. The fangs in its mouth were pierced with acidic venom. This demonic snake was by far any cat's worst nightmare. Arrowheart's breath seized in his throat as he realized just where this snake was heading.

"Goldenclaw watch out!"

***Alderpaw's POV***

Hauling the pregnant she-cat out of harm's way turned out to be much more difficult than he'd previously thought. His back heaved with effort, jaw aching from where he was yanking Watertail by the scruff. Sparkpaw was right beside him, her smaller size making the task even harder for her to accomplish.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now