V1; Chapter 5: A Temporary Fix

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WARNING: Long chapter (But helps explain a bit of history.)
*After a long hike to an elevator and a 30 minutes trip going up, you're finally in Ozpin's office. Your pov.*

Ozpin: Please take a seat Mr. (L/N), this will only take a moment.

Me: Okay sir.

Ozpin: Now, let's get to it then, we saw what appeared to be a portal spit you out and you said you didn't think you were on "Earth" anymore, you claimed to have no idea of what a semblance, a aura, or a Grimm is for that matter, so I am curious as how it looked like you knew Ms. Rose and Ms. Schnee right off the bat as well as the how to control a new found power.

Me: Hahaha, you're good wizard, I'll give ya that. Okay, let me answer your question with a question/statement. Do you believe in things like time travel and the multiverse? Stating the fact that I am human but, I'm from a planet called Earth.

Ozpin: I believe anything is possible Mr. (L/N). What about you Glynda, you seem rather quiet.

Glynda: Well in light of today's events, of course I do

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Glynda: Well in light of today's events, of course I do.

Me: Well then, yes I am human, I came from a planet called Earth, no we have no aura or semblances, but I knew about them and all of you because where I come from, you are all part of a show called RWBY and if you don't believe me then how about an apology that your relationship ended with Salem all those years ago Professor Ozpin and if you don't mind, please keep this a secret. Wait... do you prefer Ozma?

   Ozpin and Glynda were both shocked to say the least, but quickly regained their posers.

Ozpin: Okay, you have proven your point but, where did you learn how to fight like this?

Me: Here actually, it all comes with the semblance. I have tried to spawn things from movies and books but, it only seems to revolve around video games. You see in my world we have so many more forms of entertainment because there is no Grimm or White Fang, we have no dust but rather bullets that can kill anything/one in an instant. *Snaps fingers on left hand.

Ozpin: If that is the case, I take it in these games there are weapons of mass destruction?

Me: And more... So much more. It is one of the reasons I am trying to get home, but I have no idea how to reverse the effects and if I can't control this... this possible darkness of an abyss, I fear I could destroy your world.

Ozpin: Well the thing is Mr. (L/N), you are not the first to be brought here by that crystal and with that said, I have good and bad news.

   I sat there, both curious and a little worried.

Ozpin: You see the "show" RWBY as you called it, may be different from the world you're in now, but if I'm correct, there is no General Slasher in the show, correct?

Me: General Slasher...? Hahahaha! *Screams this.* WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?!

   I settled down and was about to apologize because he might be a serious threat.

Me: Sorry for my outburst of laughter, it's just that is a terrible name.

Ozpin & Glynda: It's fine Mr. (L/N), we agree.

Ozpin: As I was saying, I wouldn't worry about screwing up the timeline as it is already split into two. One is the one you know while the other is the one your in now. In a general sense, it was cloned and added with a new dust called Transport dust. A single crystal could bring others from there worlds but, never send them back. I am truly sorry Mr. (L/N).

Me: No, it's fine Professor, it's just... my family must be worried sick.

Ozpin: Well from what I know, that crystal of your's can double as a portal phone.
Me: Really?! Sweet!

Ozpin: As for a teacher to help you with your semblance-

Me: Can Qrow teach me?

   Ozpin just smiles as that was the very person he had in mind.

Ozpin: I'll give him a call and see. Now, as for living quarters, you will be put in team RWBY's dorm until we can find a permanent dorm for you.

Me: Ummm...? Sir...? Why an all girls team dorm?

Ozpin: I thought it was obvious Mr. (L/N), Ms. Rose and Ms. Schnee were the first ones you made eye contact with. Oh, and don't worry, I'll keep this talk quiet. We wouldn't want all that fame to go to Ms. Rose's head now would we? One last thing Mr. (L/N), I noticed you sketching something earlier and they looked like blue prints.

Me: Yes, I wanted to see if I could have a dorm/hanger bay, but-

Ozpin: We'll grab the materials and start working. Just be sure to add a training location when it's finished.

Me: Yes, sir!

   I laugh and head off.

In my mind: Ohhh... crap...

*To be continued...*
IT IS DONE! Ugh... *Huff.* *Huff.* I-I th-think that's the long-longest chapter, I ever wrote. * Collapsed from exhaustion.*

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