chapter 17

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sorry for the long wait lmaoooo
writing hasn't been on my mind so i apologise and thankyou for everyone who's messaged me, i felt you all deserved this chapter after waiting for MONTHS.
also my phones really smashed so if i make any mistakes, my auto correct is messing up and i can't see the mistake lol

yoongi's PoV-
the next morning i see the window is still closed, i let out a sigh as i remember the panic i felt when i saw the window open and jimin gone.
i see jimin walk in our room in one of my big shirts, that drowns him completely, with a plate of oddly shaped burnt toast.
"baby tried to make toastie but it burned and i don't like crustie so i cut it daddy"
i internally squealed at his cuteness and i couldn't believe it
" the man helped me turn the toastie maker on though, me couldn't do it!" he whispered the last part as his 'pride' wouldn't let any of his stuffies see he was silly and weak.
although this was cute, my heart rate increased as i realised the man jimin keeps talking about was in this house.
we aren't safe
"baby, put the toast down and get in bed. don't move love" i say and gently reach for my bat and leave the warm sheets
"but why da-"
"don't question it baby, just do it" i try to say calmly but it's quite difficult knowing someone's in the house.
he listens and hops into bed his cheeks puffing because his toast is sat on the floor, and he can't eat it.
i step out the room and close the door silently.
i slowly go down the stairs and from them i see a dark figure dressed in all black stood in the kitchen rooting through the draws. i slowly walk behind them and lift the bat up, ready to swing
"well well yoongi, considering you're so light i wouldn't expect you to he so loud creeping up on someone"
my bat stops mid swing and it slowly drops to the floor. i know that voice.
he slowly turns round and before i can even blink a needle pierces through the skin of my neck and i feel things start to spin, and suddenly it's all black with strobes of the kitchen still in my view. i could see his big boots exiting the kitchen and heading upstairs.
i try to fight the drug but it's too strong and i feel life fade away and suddenly i'm asleep.

i can hear things and feel things but i can't see or move.
i feel myself be picked up and thrown over a shoulder. i hear men speaking, more like mumbles but i can make out 'sell for loads' and 'we are going to be rich boys'
suddenly i can hear jimin crying and screaming. i hear a smack and he's silent before the cries start again. my instincts try to fight the drug so i can save him but i can't. my body fills with anger and i can feel myself shaking

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