Chapter 3

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It's been about 2 weeks since the incident between me and Jared. I managed to avoid him.I'm still trying to figure how I managed that seeing as how he's dating my roommate. But all that would change tonight. Why did I agree to go to this stupid party. That's right I can't say no to the she devil. Speaking of that who is unholy, "I know you're not wearing that to the party. Are you purposely trying to die a virgin." She asked.

With the way she was talking you would be thinking I was dressed like a back water hillbilly. I was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans a fitted purple top and flats. I thought I looked good. Now her on the other hand who's suppose to be so respectable looked like a 2 dollar hooker that you would ask for some change back. If that's even possible. Could that dress be any shorter or tighter I swear you could see her heart beating through her dress.

"What's wrong with what I have on Cass not everyone can be as glamorous as you. Besides I don't have time to change aren't we suppose to be meeting Jared in like 5 minutes, "

"Shit you're right well at least you're not totally hopeless. You do have a decent body who knows maybe you'll get lucky tonight. I know I will."Can you say mega bitch I thought. Again why am I doing this?

We meet up with Jared in front of our dorm room. "Oh my God baby you look so freaking hot." I mean I had to agree he was looking pretty good with his fitted jeans and button up shirt. This time he had his hair down. Stop looking at him so hard I feel like a stalker I said to myself.

"You look pretty good yourself baby." Thanks she said while turning in a circle so he could see every angle of her nonexistent dress. "Come here and give your baby a kiss" she tried saying in what I would assume was her sexy voice but it sounded like she had a major case of phlegm. And here we go she's doing it on purpose stalking a claim on Jared like everyone didn't know that was her man.

Okay how long should I stand here while they basically have sex standing up. This is so disgusting it looks like she's trying to eat his face. I cleared my throat rather loudly. I think that got their attention. "Sorry." Jared replied. "Baby you don't need to apologize right Brook." "Right." I replied.

"Let's go ladies."

You could hear the music before you even got in the house. I already told myself that I was going to enjoy myself no matter what. I refuse to  baby sit Cass or run interference when she wanted to get away from Jared. Inside the house there were bodies everywhere, the music was blasting, bodies were swaying to the music. A smile instantly appeared on my face I know I'm shy but I love to dance. Once the beat hits me I can't help but let the music take over.

I already lost Cass and Jared nothing new there. I wandered around occasionally saying hi to some people that I knew. I made my way to the kitchen to find something to drink. "Hey sexy" someone said behind me I already knew who it was Chris Williams. I turned around to glare at him. He's the male version of Cass you know the all American boy next door. Good looks blond hair blues eyes surfer body. Comes from a well to do family. And a total whore. The only difference between Cass and Chris he didn't hide who he was.

"What do you want " I asked in my most bitchest voice. In case you're wondering I can't stand him. He's also Jared's best friend. Oh yeah lets not forget him and Cass has sex on occasion. They can't even stand each other but like I said they're like two peas in a pod. They only care about themselves fuck everybody else. Poor Jared when will he finally open his eyes. All the lies are becoming to much.

"I just wanted to say hello why are you always a bitch?" And "why are you a back stabbing piece of shit? " I answered his question with a question.

"Come off it already we're both consenting adults. Why don't you try and get some dick maybe you wouldn't be pining away for someone that doesn't even notice you." He said with a knowing smirk.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about Chris just fuck off." I said trying to get past him but he blocked my way. He bent down to whisper in my ear that he knows I'm in love with Jared. "You're so pathetic why don't you come back to my dorm I promise I'll make you forget about him."

I started laughing I couldn't help it I'm pretty sure all the girls fall for that shit but not me. "I'm pathetic but you're sleeping with your best friends girl. I don't have to stand hear and listen to your bullshit. Get out of my way before I kick you so hard in your nuts I'll make them go back in your stomach." I said all this with a smile on my face I know I probably looked crazy but I didn't give a shit.

"Why you filthy bitch....he didn't get a chance to finish cause Jared walked in the kitchen.

"Hey Brook, Chris what's going on in here? " Nothing I replied just getting something to drink I grabbed a cup off the counter I don't know what was in it but it tasted really good. I might regret that later.

"Where's Cass?"dancing he replied she asked me to come find you. He kept looking between me and Chris he probably felt the tension in the air. He was looking at me with questions in his eyes. Chris was glaring at me with a this isn't over look. Whatever this shit is for the birds let me go find godzilla before she starts tearing up the place looking for us.

There she is on the dance floor trying to do something I think is considered dancing. If dancing resembled elector shock therapy. At least I knew this was one area no matter how hard she tried I'm the better dancer. Jared was standing next to me watching the spectacle on the dance floor. The only time they dance is during the slow songs. I mean everyone one could move from left to right.

A few more songs played and then I heard my favorite song at the moment. I know to some it might be degrading but the beat was on point. Trey Songz 2 reasons. I had to go dance I asked Jared to hold my drink. I walked over to where Cass was dancing. I just let the music take over. I swayed, rolled, and dropped my ass to the beat. My eyes were closed but I felt someone watching me. Slowly I opened my eyes and sure enough someone was staring...Jared.

I wanted to look away but I couldn't his eyes casted a spell on me. From where he was standing and I was dancing it looked like he was looking at Cass. I pretended that it was him that I was dancing with instead of whoever was behind me. This went on for a couple of songs until Cassandra broke whatever spell he had me in.

"Listen Brook I need you to run interference for me with Jared." Ughh not this shit again.

"No Cass I'm having fun I want to stay. I don't want to do this shit with you tonight. Dude why did you even come with Jared if you knew you wouldn't be leaving with him. " it must be the alcohol normally I would never speak to Cass this way. Liquid courage yeahhh. Shit I must be really fucked up.

"Brook I know it's just the alcohol talking. Cause you would never speak that way to me don't forget who I am bitch." She all but snarled in my face.

I started giggling she looked so funny up close. What the hell was in that cup. "Look at me Brook stop freaking laughing. I'm going to tell Jared to take you home and stay with you. I'll just tell him I'm staying with one of my girlfriends tell him that her boyfriend dumped her and she needs me. "Stay." Woof did I just bark. Really what the hell was in that drink.

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