Chapter 5

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It's been a few weeks since the party. Things with Cass is still the same I tried having an adult conversation with her but it didn't go so well.

"Cass you need to end things with Jared." I said.

"Why so you can have him?" She replied.

"No so you don't corrupt him. Cass he's going to find out about you. I'm surprised that you can keep up with all your lies. I'm only telling you this because we've been friends for the last six years." I said

"Correction Brook. If you weren't there all those years ago we would've never been friends. Look, I'm going to keep doing what I have been doing and you can't stop me. You want to know why." She asked with a smirk.

"Jared told me about the conversation you had last night. What do you think will happen if you told him the truth. Stupid, stupid girl you had the perfect opportunity to tell him everything but you lied to him. Haven't you learned anything these past few years. Had it been me I would have told him everything and thought nothing of it."

"What happened to you Cass that turned you into the bitch that you are. I don't even think bitch is the right word for you." I said

"You really want to know Brook. Absolutely nothing. I had the perfect childhood, got everything that I wanted, and lets not forget everyone loves me. Life to me is like a chess game, I'm the queen and everyone else are just pawns. And yes Brook that includes you. Had it not been for my dear father you wouldn't even be at this school. Remember where you got your scholarship from. One word for me and your whole college career will be over.

"Wipe that look off your face you knew what you were getting into. Who're you going to tell your parents. That's right you don't have anyone. So I suggest whatever silly notions you have in your head you'd better get rid of them." She said.

She walked over to me and sat next to me on my bed. She draped her arm over my shoulder and said. "I have to go meet Jared in a few minutes, so I'll keep this short and sweet. Just do what you do best nothing. Look Brook I really don't want to destroy your life but if you keep up with this I want to save Jared crusade you'll leave me with no choice."

"Now we'll just put this little incident behind us okay. Bffs for life right? You don't have to answer that. Luuvv you." And with that she walked out the door laughing.

Now I find myself sitting in the library reading a book about mental illnesses. She has to have one. There has to be a reason for the way she is. Or maybe she was just born this way maybe I should be reading the Bible. I wonder if I could perform an exorcism. "The body of Christ compels you." I laughed quietly to myself.

"What's so funny?" Someone asked.

I looked up from my book and there he was my Adonis. "Uuhh nothing just something I was reading." "What are you reading?" He asked. "A book about mental illness. He probably thinks I'm an insensitive asshole. I mean I don't think it's funny people having mental problems. Something just popped in my head that made me laugh." Sorry I said dropping my head a little. He makes me so nervous sometimes.

"No need to apologise Brook I know you're not like that. How have you been I haven't seen you for awhile? He asked

"I've been good, you know just studying and what not. Thanks for asking, what about you?"

"The same as you. Studying and writing. Did Cass tell you that I got a gig coming up?" He asked.

"No not that I recall. Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm excited. Don't tell Cass but there might be some important people there to listen to me play." "Why don't you want me to tell Cass won't she be there?" I asked.

"You know how she feels about my music. She just thinks it's a hobby that I'll give up once I graduate. I've been thinking a lot about what you said. I have to do this for me you know. I don't want to look back on my life with the woulda,coulda, shoulda. I don't want to live with any regrets. So I'm doing this for me.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that Jared you deserve to live your life the way you want. If it makes you happy fuck what anyone else thinks do what's right for you. But you didn't answer my question won't Cass be there?" I asked.

"Sorry I thought I did. No she won't be there she said she had something she couldn't get out of. Which is why I'm happy I ran into you. I would really appreciate it if you could be there for moral support?" He asked.

"Of course I'll be there for you. You know how I feel about your music. I'll be sitting in the front row cheering you on. When is your performance?" I asked.

"I hope this isn't to short of a notice. It's tonight." "Tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah but if you can't make it I'll understand." He said.

"No I can make it. Are you meeting me at the dorm or do you want me to meet you there?" I asked.

"Just meet me there around eight o'clock. Thanks Brook." He said getting up.

"No problem Jared. See you later." Oh my god. What time is it I need to get ready. I think I'm going to pass out. Calm down Brook just breath you'll be fine. Stop talking to yourself and go get ready.

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