Chapter 7

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I finally made it to the bar, there was a lot of people there. Which made it hard for me to find Jared. I pushed my way through the crowd mumbling a few apologies here and there. Finally I got to the front of the stage.

There he was setting up on the stage. I wonder if I should try to get his attention. I wanted to wish him luck. I was waving my arms around but I couldn't get his attention. What the hell I'll just walk up on the stage and wish him luck. Time to put on my big girl undies.

Here goes nothing. I tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned to look at me my breath got caught in my throat. He looked so good I wanted to grab his face kiss him so hard he would forget all about Cass. But instead I settled for a shy smile and a wave. "Jared I just wanted to wish you luck." I turned to walk off the stage when he grabbed my arm. "Brook you don't know how much it means to me that you came." He said while looking into my eyes. Is it getting warm in here. "Do you want to hang out after I'm done? He asked me. "S-s-ure." I managed to say. He pulled me in for a hug, he smelled so good I wanted to lick his neck was what was going through my mind. We started to pull away from each other. "Good luck again Jared." His mouth is so close to mine I could just kiss him. Sadly he isn't mine to kiss. With that thought in mind I walked off stage to watch the performance.

By the time he was finished people were screaming for an encore. Which he happily gave. I was in awe of what he did. I know I might be praising him to much because of my feelings for him. But judging by the audience he is that good. I couldn't be more proud of him.

Here he comes, calm down Brook breath don't act like a dweeb. "So how'd I do?" He asked 

"Really Jared I'm not even going to answer that. Did you hear the crowd they loved you." "I wasn't talking about the crowd. I was talking about you?" He said. "Honestly you have a gift that should be shared with the world. It would be a shame if you let your talent go unnoticed. I'm not just saying this because we're friends. For whatever reason you were gifted with the ability to speak to people through song. So to sum it up you were absolutely, 100% amazing Jared Antonio.

It looked like he was about to say something but we were interrupted by a guy in a suit. "Hello Jared my name is Steven Long. I work for star records and I would like to talk to you for a minute. Your girlfriend can join us to." I was about to correct him but Jared put his arm around my waist and ushered me toward to an empty table.

With all the formalities out of the way. The real conversation started. "I'm going to cut right to the chase I loved what I heard. We need someone with your talents at our label. I want to set up a meeting for you to meet with the president of the company. How does that sound?" He asked.

Jared looked at me if I had all the answers. All I could do was give him an encouraging smile. I squeezed his hand giving him my support. "It sounds like an opportunity that I would be an ass if I passed it up. I'll say yes on one condition." He replied. "And that would be?" Asked Steven. "If I could bring my girlfriend?" At that my mood dropped a bit. I know this is selfish of me but I kinda thought that he wouldn't think about her tonight. That's what I get for having these illusions of being something more then just his friend. I thought to myself. "That's all of course you can bring your girlfriend. It's getting late I'll contact you later this week to set up the meeting." Steven replied standing from his chair. We both stood up to say goodbye. "It was a pleasure meeting you and your beautiful girlfriend. I'll see you guys later,have a goodnight." With that he walked out the bar.

I decided to call it a night seeing as how I was now in a fowl mood. We were walking back to my dorm both pretty quiet. I guess it became to much for Jared cause he stopped me from walking. "What's wrong Brook, everything was fine at the bar now it seems as if you want to be anywhere but with me." "Jared I'm fine just tired that's all." I replied. "Bullshit something is wrong I can feel the vibes that your giving off and they are not pleasant. So again what's wrong with you?" He said.

"You really want to know. I am pissed off that's whats wrong with me. I came to support you. ME not Cass. You wanted me there, then when you get good news you want her to be there even though she doesn't support you. What are you going to tell Steven when you show up with you "girlfriend". Last timed I checked we looked nothing alike. You know what it doesn't even matter. I shouldn't even be upset she is your actual girlfriend not me. The last part came out in a whisper. I can't believe I let myself get this upset, he probably thinks I'm crazy. "I'm sorry I crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed. I'll see you around Jared." With that I quickly went around him to go to my dorm room. I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn't notice Jared following me.

I was about to walk into the building, when Jared caught up with me. "Brook wait before you go to your room at least give me the chance to respond to your rant." Okay. I looked at him waiting for him to speak his part. "If you would have stayed and listened instead of walking away you would have known that I was talking about you. I know you're not my girlfriend, but you're the one I want to share this with. I should have told him we were just friends. But when he refereed to you as mine it felt right for some reason. I'll be honest to you, I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with Cass. Maybe she isn't the girl for me. When I told you that I thought we had that special type of love. I don't think I was being honest with you. Sometimes it feels like we're together for all the wrong reasons. She's perfect for my parents, but I don't think she's perfect for me." He said.

"Why are you telling me this?" It felt like I had a million butterflies in my stomach. Please don't let this be some cruel joke. I couldn't deal with it if it was. He closed the distance between us and cupped one side of my face. I leaned into his palm, looked up into his eyes and watched in slow motion as his head lowered to mine. Oh my god he's about to kiss me. I've dreamer about this day for so long. "Jared wait." I said while our mouths were inches apart.

"If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. You and Cass are still together. I don't want to start whatever this is on the wrong foot. Believe me I want to kiss you so bad, but not like this. And besides you have to take me on a proper date." I said with a smile.

He blew out a long breath." You're right I'll talk to Cass as soon as possible. Are you okay with what's happening between us. I know Cass is your best friend I don't want to come between you and her. But I don't want to ignore what I feel for you." He said.

"Let me worry about Cass. Okay. The question is are you ready to jump back into a relationship while you're trying to get out of your current one? We should take things slow. I want you to know more about me and I want to know more about you. That's a reasonable suggestion." I said.

"Yeah that is reasonable. So uuuhhh I guess it's time to call it a night. Do you want me to walk you up to your room? I wanted to say yes but I didn't know if Chris was still there. I should, maybe he would catch them in the act. I can't hurt him like that. "No that's okay. Thank you though." I replied. We hugged each other goodnight. Neither one of us wanting to let go. He let go first I immediately missed his warmth.

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I failed to notice we were being watched. First thing first I have to tell Jared the truth. I want to go into this relationship the right way. I stood in front of my door not knowing what was on the other side. I opened the door slowly only to find it empty. I flopped down on my bed replaying the last few hours in my mind. He likes me. Jared Antonio wants ME!!! Cass is going to be so pissed. Who gives a fuck? I don't I thought to myself with a huge smile on my face. The next few weeks are going to be interesting.

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