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I looked at Jennie with a serious face. Then she looked back at me with confusion.
"What's the matter Charlette?" Jennie asked confused.
"Remeber you said that you were going to tell me about the boy and his friends." I said coldly.
"Oh yeah, you wanna talk about it right now though?" Jennie asked.
"Duh you said that you were going to tell me during lunch....isn't it lunch right now." I said bitchly.
"Ok watch your tone with me I am your unnie." Jennie said.
"Yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes." Talk already."
"Ok well...the boy that you sat next to in class is Park Jimin: He is one of the international playboys in his group, he is also a flirt alot of girls love him from his eye smile and his flirtatious attitude." Jennie said.
"jeeze that sounds so...ew." I said disgusted.
"Yeah you should stay away from him or you want the same incident that happened in the hallway to get more intense." Jennie warned.
"Yeah I know god." I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway there is Jeon Jungkook: He is the youngest of the group, he is famous for his bunny smile and positive attitude and plus he also flirts with the girls. He is also one of the international playboy in the group. Girls get caught in the moment from him being nice to them complementing them that it's just....cringy especially the pick up lines that he does." Jennie said.
"Wow....not" I said sarcastly. "I can see that he is innoccent with a bad side."
"Yep." Jennie said.
"Ok keep going." I crossed my arms.
"There is Kim Taehyung: He is the childish one as well also being a playboy and I'll make it short for them all of them are players except for 1 of them. Anyway Taehyung is famous for his box smile and how he acts towards the girls that makes them faint which is REALLY disgusting to me." Jennie said.
"I agree with you on that Jennie but..continue so that I am already known about them." I said coldly.
"Ok, next there is Jung Hoseok: Everyone calls him Hobi, he is famouse for his energetic nature around everyone and positive attitude." Jennie said.
"And he's a playboy." I said coldly.
"Yep, then there's Kim Namjoon: He's the smart one in the group like a genius kind of thing. Girls like him from how he treats them...with respect. Other than that he has goods grades and I can tell that he does his friends homework except for 2 people." Jennie said.
"I am never going around these last people that you said let's continue before I barf." I said coldly.
"Ok, now there is Kim SeokJin Jin for short: He is the mom of the group he is the only non-playboy, he respects women and doesn't like breaking people's hearts. He is the mother of the group like I said and he makes sure that they don't do anything stupid." Jennie said.
"Ok, I acutally trust this Jin but not too much." I said coldly.
"Same here." Jennie said.
"Ok and is there anyone else Jennie?" I asked coldly.
"Finally there is their leader Min Yoongi Suga or Yoongi for short: He is the top out of all playboys, fuckboys, players what you can say he is the main for international playboy he already dated and fucked every girl in the school except me and you, cause I am smart." Jennie flipped her hair.
I rolled my eyes at her.
"yeah whatever, so...that's them huh. What is there group name?" I asked.
"There group name is BTS all girls claimed them as their Oppa which I think is something that is never true also being they date their girls for 2 weeks then dump them after taking their v-card." Jennie said.
"This is intersting, ok anything else you know?" I said.
"No but when I tried getting information I wasn't able to get anything on them all their private information was take off." Jennie responded.
"Well since I am back I can deal with it myself after tonight." I smirked.
"Nice so I will be at your house later tonight or you gonna stay at mine?" Jennie asked.
"I am staying at your house after tonight." I responded coldly.
"Ok." Jennie said.
Me and Jennie continued talking about tonight and how everything was going down until I felt something cold gowing down my neck and back I turned around to the person and saw a bitch in my sight. Then I felt the table move from Jennie getting up and going up to the bitch.
"YAH WHAT THE FUCK SEULGI!!" Jennie screamed.
Jennie shouting cause the whole cafeteria's attention and stared at us. I saw that BTS was staring at us as well. And I know that shit is going down.

Mafia Step-Brother (Suga FF)Where stories live. Discover now