Charlette Lee and her mother have been on there own for years. Charlette became what her father was then stopped when she was 16 she is now 19 years old still living with her mom going to a new college after her mother remarried to a new man along g...
I was able to get out of the house after taking Yoongi to his room and going into mine. Checking outside my room the lights were all off even Yoongi's in his room, I took this as my chance to escape. My room was way closer to the garage where my motorcycle and car was at. But I quickly changed my clothes and did my hair and makeup.
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After changing I jumped out of the window leaving it open, then sneakly got to the garage and picked out my car.
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My favorite car also my get away car when I am being chased. Once I got inside I turned on my car and got out of the garage leaving it open when I get back. Then speed through the neighborhood, while I was driving I looked to my side and saw....Yoongi? Running? I just ignored it and continued driving. I drove past the speed limit since....I'm a badass bitch and contiued driving at 70 mph until I was at my final location. I don't use mask for this since everyone swore an oath of sort that would mean that if they told anyone about this place or about the people here then.....they would die. I parked my car up front at the entrance getting out locking the car I walked inside the place and looked around for my friends....only after a couple seconds I can see Lisa drinking her beer, Rose taking shots, and Jisoo trying to stop Rose. I chuckled. I walked towards them feeling the stares of the boys on my because of my outfit and since....I was showing my body. I continued walking until I got to the table, when I got there I sat down with my friends.
"Sup." I said.
"CHARLOTTE!!!" Rose shouted.
Rose ran to me and started hugging me tightly but not as tight so I was fine with that. But I pushed her to Jisoo since Rose was getting too drunk at the moment.
"Sorry about that Charlotte Rose had too much tonight." Jisoo sighed heavily.
"It's alright Jisoo unnie besides...(I lean closer) when has Rose never get drunk before I get here?" I smirked.
I leaned back into my chair and chukcled at them.
"Looks like this one has changed from her little 'vaction.'" Lisa smiled and sipped her beer.
I rolled my eyes playfully at them and then scanned around the room, when I looked behind me I was shocked seeing this person. Why would he be here?