Charlette Lee and her mother have been on there own for years. Charlette became what her father was then stopped when she was 16 she is now 19 years old still living with her mom going to a new college after her mother remarried to a new man along g...
I was sitting down scrolling through my phone and glanced from time to time towards Charlotte. I am pretty sure that I am not leaving until my father and (step) mother is sleeping. Checking the time it was 11:30 p.m.
dammit- I thought
I need to get out of here before I am late seeing the newbie fight!- I thought
I looked towards where my father was and he looked exhausted and tired along with my (step) mother. I looked at Charlotte and she looked like a owl in the night. I was confused on how she isn't as sleepy. I then started texting Jin.
Me: Jin
Me: and you tell me to watch my language.....
Me: anyway I might be late
~_~JinEomma~_~: why??
Me: I might be staying over somewhere and I need to wait until everyone is sleeping
~_~JinEomma~_~: alright do you want me to do anything
Me: Yeah try find out when the newbie is in
~_~JinEomma~_~: gotcha cya
I put my phone in my back pocket and looked at my father getting up from his seat.
"Alright now me and your mother are going to bed you all should as well." Father smiled.
"Night sweety." Charlotte's mother said to Charlotte.
Then my father and Charlottes mother walked away into one of the bedrooms. Once I heard the door close I looked at Charlotte, she looked at me and then looked away. I got off the chair and looked at Charlotte as she looked at me.
"Can you show me where I am sleeping tonight?" I asked coldly.
"Whatever." Charlotte rolled her eyes.
I scoffed.
I swear if she knew what I was capable of then she would weak to her knees when treating me like that- I thought.
I followed Charlotte from behind as she lead the way. Not noticing that my attention went to her ass....
Damn I would tap that if she wasn't so damn fiesty but I like it- I thought.
I smirked to myself and continued checking her out until she stopped I looked up before she could tell that I was checking her ass out.
"This is your room is across from you so knock if you need something but other than that don't.bother.ME." Charlotte said coldly.
I watched as Charlotte walking inside her bedroom and closed the door. I sighed and walked inside my room and layed down on the bed and checked the time.....11:35 p.m.
Dammit if I don't get off my ass then I won't be able to make it- I thought.
I got off the bed and went towards the window. I first cracked open my door without making any sounds and looked at Charlotte's door and the light was off. I closed the door and locked it. Then walking to the windo I looked outside and saw a tree I smirked to myself and opened the window, I climbed out of the bedroom and went on the branch of the tree when I did I jumped off it and I checked to see if the window was still open was. I ran off and called one of the boys.
???: Yo
Me: Jungkook
Jungkook: OH! Hey hyung wassup
Me: Pick me up at XXXX street at XXXX address NOW
Jungkook: Gotcha hyung see you in 10
Me: Yeah
I put my phone in my back pocket and walked to the address I told Jungkook to be at. But once I was even near the street I saw a car zoom past me. Once I saw the license plate I quickly took a picture of it. Saving the picture I continued my little walk which soon turned to a job-ish run.
~ 5 Minutes Later~
After some time I made it at the place seeing Jungkook's car. I ran faster towards it and jumped in the passengers seat and buckled myself.
"Drive Jungkook." I said sternly.
"You got it hyung." Jungkook said.
Then the car started going so fast that I was in a car race. I was like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. I looked at Jungkook and he was smiling as well as much as me loves driving he is the best get away driver. The rest of the night was excitement and laughter until we got to where the competition is going to be at. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 11:50 p.m. I chuckled and got out of the car and walked inside.
Looks like on the inside of the arena:
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I walked around the cage and went to the bar where I saw the guys at the club part. It being its half a arena half club.
Club part:
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I sat down with the boys. I looked at them and they smiled at me I rolled my eyes as I had my poker face. Glancing around the club I noticed a drink being handed to me. I looked at saw Jimin with another drink in his hands I grabbed it and started taking sips of it. And looked around the club again. Then one group of people aren't recognisable I've never seen them before. As I kept my focous on them one of the girls moved to the side and I saw.....Charlotte?