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I ran straight to my room in a hurry hoping that fucking Yoongi isn't in there since I have a lot important documents and shit from work in there. I shoved my bedroom door open and walked inside, I didn't see him. I started looking around more trying to find it but it still isn't here, I checked everywhere but the bathroom and my closet. I went inside the bathroom and everything looked untouched or messed with so I closed the door and went straight into my closet, when I walked in I saw Yoongi sitting on his ass in front of my dresser still drinking. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him, I shaked his shoulder slightly to get his attention but then he grabbed my wrist tightening the grip and looked at me in my eyes with......sadness? How weird.

"Yoongi get up." I coldly said.

Yoongi just kept staring in my eyes.

"Yoongi c'mon." I coldly said.

"NnOt UnTiL YoU GiVe Me A KisS fIrSt." Yoongi slurred,

"No Yoongi I am not kissing you," I rolled my eyes.

"ThEn I wOn'T gEt Up." Yoongi pouted.

I really want this idiot out of my room but damn......I sighed heavily and pecked his cheek since that was the only option that I have and I am never carrying his ass anywhere. Yoongi smiled at me giving me a gummy smile which was so cute......WAIT WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

"Get up Yoongi." I coldly said.

Yoongi nodded and got off, I helped him walk out of my room and down the stairs into the living room where everyone else was at. The boys looked like they were already sobered up enough, I glared at them and they had fear in their eyes which is something that I wanted. Once I sat Yoongi down I went to the kitchen to help Jin since I knew he would be there, when I walked in I saw that Jin was cooking pancakes. I sighed and sat down on one of the stools in front of the counter, I just watched Jin make breakfast.


Sorry for the late update, I keep forgetting that I have wattpad sometimes....but don't worry I'll try to be more and more active for this hehehe -3- now thinking if I should even continue this or make something else? -.-...let me know if y'all want me to continue or make something else cause my brain is fried. T~T


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