Charlette Lee and her mother have been on there own for years. Charlette became what her father was then stopped when she was 16 she is now 19 years old still living with her mom going to a new college after her mother remarried to a new man along g...
I was sleeping peacefully until hearing the damn annoyance of my fucking alarm.
"BEEP BEEP....BEEP BEEP.....BEEP BEEP!!!!!!" I shut off my alarm.
Once I shut off that damn alarm I just stayed on my bed looking at the ceiling being shirtless, I was wondering why Charlotte doesn't like me. Usually girls will drop their panties for me or even DO anything for me but now....this is weird. I never met a girl who would be able to not fall for me or my looks ALL the damn girls in my school literally lost their V-card to me since they wanted a "handsome prince" to take it since there isn't any other boy that they would want. I mean there is the boys(BTS) but they took the seconds of the girls after I fucked them, GOD! WHY IS THIS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!
"Damn." I whispered.
I rolled my eyes and stood up straight on my bed, ruffling my hair I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to do my morning routine which would only take like 5 minutes. After that I got out of the bathroom and went straight to my closet and chose my clothes for the day.
Yoongi's Clothes:
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With black shoes and I walked out of my room.
~Downstairs~ I went downstairs and I was close to the living room when I smelt something so...delicious that I couldn't resist it. I went into the dining room and saw food on the table untouched and still warm. I think? I shrugged it off and sat down on the table, but when I did I saw a note there I was confused yet interested on what the note said so I grabbed it and started reading it.
-YO! Dumbass looks like your finally awake right? Anyway I made the food and shit here and whatever plus I already ate so by reading this now I'm already at school and when your done wash the dishes so that there aren't anymore dumb roaches like you in this house. Ok? ok bye dumbass see you at school .
-_- Charlotte-
I slightly smiled from this note....Charlotte doesn't even try and my heart keeps getting warmer the second she is doing something, the sight of her...or her actions that makes me...AHHHH SHIT! I don't know how to explain it. I sighed heavily and ate some of the food that she made and man it was like being in heaven, usually on school days I don't eat in the morning and I go straight to school but now...I want to eat. Weird?? I think I'm losing my shits.
"Jesus" I mumbled.
I got off of my seat and put the dishes in the sink and surprisingly washed them, I went outside and got in my car and went straight to school.
Sorry for a short chapter this time but being a busy person sucks ass to the point to jump off a fucking cliff 😞. But not to worry as soon as I can I will try to finished this series and my other series as well. If you guys want me to make another series put it in the comments and I will make it for you if you want 😊.