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*I was being lazy and I was beginning to write the story (which I still don't have a name for) about Nightmare. So here are some random meme stories.*

"Hey, Dick what are you doing?" asked Wally to his smol friend.

"Eating a family sized bag of chips."

"That's a normal sized..."

"Any size is family size if your an orphan!''



The Young Justice team sat in a circle playing truth or dare.

"Dick, truth or dare?"

Dick opened his mouth to answer when Batman walked in.

"He's not allowed to pick dare," the man said.

"Apparently I have no regard for my personal safety."


*Heres a not so funny one. I just thought it was cute. (Reverse AU)*

Batman and Red Hood were at each other's throats. Literally. 

Red Hood had Batman in a choke hold with his mask off.

That's when a very young Dick Grayson walked in on them his arm wrapped around his stuffed toy elephant, Peanuts.

"Bwce?" he asked while rubbing his eyes.

Both felt a blush rise to their cheeks.

He looked at them and tears filled his eyes. "Are you guys fighting?"

"No, no, no sweetheart we weren't fighting," Bruce said taking his cowl off and heading towards the boy. He knelt in front of him and began to wipe the boy's tears with his thumb.

Jason was now standing hoping for a way out of this.

"Then what were you doing? " the small boy asked with a new found in his eyes.

Bruce sent a panicked look at Jason. They're eyes scanned the room. What were they to say?

That's when Tim and Damian made their presences known.

Damian stopped the boy up in his arms and showed him the affection he only had for him.

"They were hugging. That's all, " Tim reassured him.

He leaned down to Damian's ear and lowered his voice so only he could hear.

"We are in a temporary truce. Go calm Dick down and I'll take care of these to."

Damian nodded his head and left the room, Dick still in his arms.

Meanwhile, Tim turned around and glared at the mem in the room.

"What were you thinking!!! You know how Dick feels when he sees family fight!!!"

The end


*Heres one more*

"THIS IS SPARTA!!!" Red hood yelled as he kicked Robin off the roof.

"What is wrONG WITH YOU!!!" Nightwing yelled as he looked over the edge thankful to see the boys grappling hook.

Red Hood shrugged and walked away whistling.

Sorry about the weird chapter guys.

Also if you don't know I have an Instagram called Childofapollo5, please follow me for updates on ALL my stories.

Also, what do you think the name of Nightmare's book should be?

And don't forget that requests are still open!

Well, see you later my little pop stars!


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