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Yep, it's part two cause why not!

Nightmare: She got lazy and forgot to update. This is her panicking.

Me: Shut the fuck up! Or you won't get a part two.

Nightmare: *Dramatic gasp* You wouldn't.

Me: Try me

Nightmare: *incoherent mumbling* fine...

Me: On with the one-shot!

Wally: Do the readers still hate me?

Me: I said on with the one-shot! *glares at Wally*

"Hey, Dick what state do you live in?" Meagan asked.

"Constant anxiety."


Bruce's phone went off. His eyes widened. Was Dick in an emergency?

Why else would he be calling?

"Hello, " Bruce asked.

"Bruce, " Dick started "Water is just boneless ice!"

"Go to bed Dick."


"Well, I have Jon, " Damian pointed to the Superboy in his arms.

"And you have Kon, " he pointed towards Tim.

"And you have... Roy?"

Jason stuck his tongue out at him.

"Well, then we're only missing a speedster-"

That's when the door slammed open.

"I brought the speedster bitches!" Dick yelled Wally in his arms.


"Hey Alfred, what are the signs of teenage depression?" Bruce asked his eyebrows knit together.

"Why do ask sir?"

"Dick just dropped his sock and then said 'Why has Godforsaken me?'"


The Conner, Megan, Wally, and Robin sat on the couch watching (surprisingly) the news.

And on the news was Dick Grayson in the middle of an interview.

"I don't get what's so great about that kid.., " Conner muttered.

"I don't know what you're talking about. His eyes are magnetic. And his smile is to die for, " Megan sighed.

"Well, I think he's a spoiled brat, " Wally started with a smirk " What do you think Rob"

"Got to hell Kid mouth."


"For your services to me, " Damian started "I will allow you to hug me for four to five seconds."

"Forty-five seconds!" Dick exclaimed.

"Wait n-"

"No, take backs!" he exclaimed as he stopped him up in his arms.


*This one has Nightmare in it*

Dick and Sarah walked down the street licking they're ice-cream when all of a sudden explosion went off in Metropolis.

Dick's eyes widened. "We have to go help!"

"Didn't they kick you off the league?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Is it in Buld-haven?"


"Not our territory, " she grabbed his shoulders and turned him away from the explosion "Not our problem."

And with that she drug Dick Grayson away from another battle.

Wich, she totally didn't go and fight without him.


Well, that's all folks!

Nightmare: Really?

Me: Shut the fuck up!

Well, that's all. I'll try and post a long boi sometime soon to make up for it.


Dick Grayson One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now