Ch. 13{The Last Name} Contact

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*With Light*

It was now night, and Light was walking back home from headquarters. Soon after he crossed a bridge and was almost to his house, a girl wearing goth clothing ran up to him.

"Hi!" the girl jumped out of nowhere in front of Light. He stopped and looked at her. "My name is Misa Amane." "Are you Sayu's friend?" Light asked. "No. I thought you might be worried, so I brought this." Misa said as she opened up her briefcase and showed him her death note. Light stared at it, then at her. She smiled. "Here. Touch it."

Light touched it and immediately looked to Misa's side and saw a white but frightening shinigami.

Light brought Misa to his house. Once the door opened, Sayu jumped out of her chair to see Light but stopped when she saw Misa. "She's a friend. I'm taking her to my room." Light said as he and Misa took off their shoes and put slippers on. Light started heading upstairs. "Hi there." Misa said. Light's mom came around the corner. "Do we have a visitor?" she asked and stopped and stared at Misa.

Misa bowed to her. "How do you do?" Misa smiled sweetly and happily followed Light upstairs. Sayu and Mrs. Yagami stared after them. "She looks familiar." Sayu said. "She's Misa Misa from 'Happy Sweets'!" Mrs. Yagami said excitedly. Sayu gasped "She's Misa Amane!"

Light sat Misa down on his bed while he grabbed a chair from his desk to sit on. It was silent and Light sighed. "How did you find me?" Light asked. "I knew you hadn't traded for the eyes. Once you trade for the eyes, you can see names... but you can't see the years when you have the notebook." Misa said.

Light looked at Ryuk with a 'why didn't you tell me this?' look. "Don't look at me. You didn't ask." Ryuk said defensively. Light looked back at Misa. "Do you work at the TV station or something?" Light asked. "I'm actually rather popular these days" Misa said as she reached in her briefcase and pilled out a CD with her on the cover. Light looked at it.

"A pop star?" Light asked surprised. "No, just my first CD. I model and do TV. Movies, too!" Misa said proudly. "How did you get my address?" Light asked getting back to th subject. Misa's mood changed back to being normal. "I did a search on the net and found your picture on the college site." "If the police had arrested you, Kira's secret could have gotten out." Light said seriously.

"I'm sorry!" Misa whined. "But I won't get caught as long as I follow your orders. Right?" Light just stared at her. "I'll get L's real name. I'll be your eyes, so...." "So?" Light asked. "Let me be your girl." Misa said. "Bad idea." Light said. "Why?!" Misa whined again. "They discovered prints on the tapes. If they ever match them to yours they'll know you're the second Kira." Light said leaning back in his chair.

"They aren't mine. I'm always extra careful with prints. I have a friend in Osaka who loves supernatural phenomena and we send phony tapes to TV stations." Misa explained. "Where's your friend now?" Light asked. "I'll kill her if you want me to." Misa said. "Then you'd be suspected right away." Light backfired. Misa's shoulders slumped down in defeat.

"If you don't believe me, I'll hand over my notebook to you." Misa held out her death note to him. "I still have possession, so my eyes wouldn't be affected. Right, Rem?" She looked at the white shinigami. "That's right." Rem said. Light looked at the shinigami. "This way, I can never kill you but you have the choice of killing me." Light stared at her carefully and slowly took her death note.

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