Ch. 14{The Last Name} The Truth

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*With Rose*

It's been a day after the second Kira caused an uproar in Japan. Ever since last night me and the rest of the investigation team went through every single paper that had people who were at the Sakura TV station on the day the second Kira appeared. Let's just say we stayed up pretty late.

L decided that half the team would take a day off today while the other half work on the case. Then the next day, they switch. I was one of those who had a day off today, so was Matsuda, Ms. Sanami, and Light. Since I had a day off, I could work on Allison's case.

I was sitting on my bed, folder open, piles of paper everywhere. Not only was Allison's case on my mind, but Kira was too. I started putting the pieces together and my mind went to Light. Then it came to me. Now I knew.

I dressed in a dark pink short sleeved shirt that was short in the front and back and then layered longer on the sides of the bottom of the shirt, dark jeans, and black boots (jeans tucked in the boots). My hair was left down as always. I wore a few bracelets on each wrists.

I put on my sunglasses to be safe so that if the second Kira was around, he wouldn't see part of my face. I told everyone I was going out to take a walk and they let me leave, considering I had sunglasses and I didn't look like I worked for the police or the investigation. I walked outside and it was nice out. All the time I've been in Japan, I knew Japan was a nice place to live in. The japanese were friendly, sweet, and welcoming. The climate was nice, and the food was very good.

I continued walking and then this girl dressed in goth clothes came up to me causing me to stop. "Hi!" she said. "Um, hi?" I asked confused but still nicely. "I'm Misa Amane, and I believe you know Light?" she asked. "Um kind of. And I'm Scarlett Johnson." I said. She smiled but something told me she knew I was lying. She motioned me to sit with her on the bench and we sat.

"So are you a friend of Light's?" I asked her. "Oh yeah, defientely!" Misa said, "He's told me about you." That made me look at her surprised. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah! And I wanted to ask you something." Misa said. "What?" I asked. She looked hesitant "What would you think of working with Kira..... Rosalita Hart?" She said. I froze. It was silent for a minute. "How do you know my name?" I asked more like demanded. "I'm the second Kira."

I took off my sunglasses and stared at her. "That doesn't explain my question." I said to her seriously. "Well... I was at the Sakura TV station and I saw your name and you didn't have a life span. I thought you could have been Kira, so, I searched to internet for Rosalita Hart and no results came up. But then I was searching the web and I saw your picture, only your displayed name was Scarlett Johnson. And I know you're working with L." she said.

I frowned at her. "And I'm guessing you're going to kill me." I said. "Why would I do that?" Misa asked. "Well I'm not Kira." I said. "I'm not going to kill you, I promise." Misa said seriously. "And I know, you won't turn me in." "How do you know that?" I asked. "Kira told me. He told me about when he spoke to you in the subway." I looked down. Now what was I going to do?

"To show that I trust you, I'll let you touch my notebook." Misa said as she held out her deathnote. I looked at for a minute and then touched it. I saw her shinigami and it looked pretty scary. "His name is Rem. Rem, this is Rosalita!" Misa said. Rem stared down at me and didn't say anything. Pretty creepy. "Can I see yours?" Misa asked as she smiled. I reached in my bag and pulled out my death note. She touched it and saw Arashi. She gasped as she smiled. "He looks so cool! And cute!" Misa squealed.

"Hey watch it! I'm not cute!" Arashi said as his ears were pinned back to his head. "He's Arashi. And sometimes he can be.... difficult to take care of." I said and smirked when Arashi turned his head to me and glared. "I know it'll take time to trust me, but I promised.... See you later!" Misa said as she ran off with Rem flying behind her.

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