The Falsified Turnabout, Part 6

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April 2

Interrogation Room No. 1

1:00 PM

Victoria von Graye

When we got back to the crime scene, not much had really changed about it. The small room was still overrun with police officers as it had been the day before. I looked around to see if anything had been altered since our previous investigation, and my gaze fell on the location of the body. It wasn't there anymore. I assumed the forensics team had decided to remove it for further investigation now that the first day of snooping around had been finished. That was much more likely than the body randomly being stolen, which was the other idea that popped into my head.

"There you are, loves."

I saw Detective Wattson enter the room, a loose and forced smile on her face. I felt my gut turn in sadness for her. I was easily able to tell that she and the defendant had a close relationship, both with the way she was acting and the confirmation of my coworkers to show it. I wished she could help us out more with freeing him, but she was mostly bound to working with the prosecution...

"Hello, Detective Wattson," Yuri smiled, bowing her head slightly. "Do you have any news for us?"

Much to my surprise, the detective nodded. "I do, as a matter of fact. You remember the bottle that the cyanide used to kill the victim was found in, yes?" she asked.

"We do, yes," Deirdre replied. "Did you find out something new about it?"

"We did. Or rather, the forensics team did. We found a fingerprint on the inside of the bottle. It appears the killer was messy enough to miss this," Detective Wattson told us.

"Does it match up with the fingerprints of anybody around here?" Yuri questioned.

"I don't know that much yet. We haven't gotten the chance to test and see if it does match with anything. It's unfortunate, but we can't do much about it yet... I assume forensics will be doing something about it while they're snooping around for the rest of the day. Don't you worry. The fingerprints at least don't match Detective Erikson's... Forensics already has his fingerprints with them, which means that if it was his prints found on the inside of the bottle, we'd already know about it," Detective Wattson said. 

"That's a relief," I murmured, letting out a heavy sigh. "Is there anything else for us to know?"

"I can't really think of anything. This crime scene is rather simple. Aside from this fingerprint, no traces of the killer were left behind," Detective Wattson told us.

"That's not good... I guess we'll just have to try our best and hope something else comes up. You know, or hope that the forensics team can figure out who that fingerprint belongs to," Deirdre said firmly.

"Well, we do have on more option," I cut in optimistically.

"What is it?" Yuri wondered with a small frown.

"Think about what Detective Erikson told us. He mentioned that if he heard the voice of the person who brought in the tea, then he'd be able to tell us who it was. He didn't recognize the person, which I would assume is rare for someone who would have to come by here so often as part of their job," I explained. "All we need to do is find someone who fits his description and get a clip of their voice to show him."

"That's going to be much easier said than done, I'm afraid," Deirdre sighed. "It's not like we can get a voice clip from everyone in the prison. For all we know, the person who delivered the victim's drink might not even be working today. On top of that, the description we got from Detective Erikson was rather vague. That would make it hard to find someone, and again, we have the issue of if they're even at the prison today."

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