Turnabout Below, Part 3

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May 29

Blocker Law Offices

12:30 PM

Cotoli Morix

"I wonder who this Marcus Moore man is... He has to be important if his name is written in the victim's planner, even if it's just vague. I'm glad that we have a name though. Perhaps it's time for us to go and talk to Detective Erikson and ask him to help us track this Moore figure. If we can find him, we can figure out what was happening to the victim around the time of her disappearance. For all we know, he could even be responsible for what happened to her, though there's no proof of that yet," Victoria said.

"I have to wonder if there is anything else in here that we could use... I certainly don't see much on the surface of the desk. The victim was neat enough while alive to keep everything that she didn't find relevant inside the drawers. I can't say for sure if she thinks nothing else is important, but... I suppose we'll figure out what is and isn't important soon enough," I remarked. "I suppose we can do one final sweep of the room, and if we don't find anything, we can go and find Detective Erikson."

"Sounds good to me," Victoria nodded. "Let's see how this goes... We won't know until we take care of it."

With that said, we started to look around the room. We split up and swept through the room, looking carefully through drawers for anything that stuck out. I had the half of the room with the desk, so I checked to see if there were any clues at all. Nothing seemed to stick out, and I couldn't help the frown that appeared on my face over time. I still wasn't seeing anything that we could possibly find useful. I hoped Victoria was having more luck, but I couldn't tell. She was being silent as well, and I didn't want to disturb her.

Victoria finally finished and let out a sigh, shaking her head. "I don't see anything. I was hoping that at least one odd thing would stick out like a sore thumb, but I haven't spotted any evidence that seems out of place. I guess we can give the police and prosecution some time to look it over again, and if we think we need to check it out again after the fact, then that's fine," she said.

I shrugged to myself. "Well, if we're finished in here, let's go and see what's waiting for us. Marcus Moore had better be ready to talk, because he's not going to have much of a choice. He's our best bet at figuring out what the victim was up to at the time that she went missing. Plus, he could always wind up being a suspect... I haven't been keeping up with this place enough since Dee Fence took over, but somebody should be able to tell us what happened with his interview. If he got the job, he'll be easy to access. If not, it still shouldn't be much of an issue since the police can track him down," I told her.

Victoria walked to the door and pushed it open. She held the door to the side to allow me to get through, and I thanked her for it. Afterwards, we started our trek back towards the elevator. After heading inside, we pressed the button for the main floor. I prayed that was where Detective Erikson was. I really didn't want to have to search each individual floor of this building. Blocker Law was far from being small, and I didn't want to waste more precious time than we had to, especially when clues were in such high demand.

Luckily for us though, he was right by the entrance to the elevator. He was talking with Detective Hayes, and I could see him rubbing the side of his head. If I had to take a guess, I would have said that he had a headache of some sort, and I couldn't blame him for that. If I had to stay in that crowd for too long, I would start to feel bad after a while as well.

"Detective Erikson?" I asked, tapping him on the shoulder.

Detective Erikson turned and smiled, though I could tell his grin was weary. It seemed he hated being in this crowded place just as much as I did. "Hello again, Mr. Morix... Is there something you need?" he asked.

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