Turnabout Below, Part 17

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May 31

Defendant Lobby No. 6

12:00 PM

Cotoli Morix

When we got back in the defendant lobby, we were met with smiling faces immediately. Chrysalis, Yuri, Lily, and Deirdre were already there and waiting for Victoria and me. Lily was the first one to speak, a wide, bright smile on her face. "It all worked out in the end after all! I'm so proud of you guys!" she declared, throwing her arms around Victoria.

"I think this certainly merits a group hug! After all, this is the least that we deserve after suffering so much at the hands of Cormous!" Yuri exclaimed. She joined in on the embrace as well, bringing me into it from behind. I stumbled for a moment before falling into the hug, recognizing that I wasn't going to be getting out of this.

"I'm so glad to have him out of our lives permanently," Chrysalis sighed with a shake of her head. She seemed to be planning on staying out of the group hug, but a gentle nudge from Deirdre had her approaching the rest of us a few seconds later. "I'm so sick of him and all the stuff that he pulled. I'm glad he's gone."

"Normally, it's frowned upon to wish death on anyone. No person deserves to die and all that," Deirdre began to say as she joined in as the last person in the embrace. "However, I feel like we can make an exception for an assassin who took at least three lives in less than six months of his extensive career. He was doing this for at least twelve years, though if I had to guess, it was probably much longer than that in actuality."

"It was known by his family that he always managed to have money despite not having an official job. He was probably taking jobs for illegal work to get money a long time before the Emsthorpe crime ring burst into the limelight. Given how quickly he jumped to murder in all of the cases we discussed today, it wouldn't surprise me if he had been killing people for much longer than any of us could have expected. With that said, this was probably coming to him inevitably, and swift justice was delivered in the form of Nevada," I remarked.

"We should probably talk to her about what happened at some point... Then again, that's assuming that we'll ever be able to drag her out of the mind again. She hasn't shown up since Cormous' trial, and even if she did appear, I doubt she would want to discuss the case where she was forced to reveal herself due to being accused of murder," Chrysalis sighed with a shake of her head. "I can't blame her, but at the same time, she truly is fascinating. I would love to hear more from her on the matter."

"Sounds like she's very interesting to you... Does little Chrysalis have a crush?" Yuri teased. She pulled away from the hug at long last to nudge Chrysalis gently.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and let out an aggravated sigh. "Yuri, I don't think I've spoken to her at all. I don't think it's possible to have a crush on somebody you've never spoken to, or at the very least, it isn't possible for me. I can be curious in something without having ulterior motives," she told Yuri, clearly not taking very kindly to the teasing.

"I was only kidding... You're the one who took it seriously. You should know by now that it's best to take everything that comes out of my mouth as a joke," Yuri said next with a loose shrug. "This one is on you, dear Chrysalis. Try to relax every once in a while, yeah?"

Chrysalis stared at Yuri for a few seconds before sighing and shaking her head. It was becoming increasingly clear who was the older one in the relationship. "Okay, yes, I recognize my mistake. Taking you seriously was the real issue, and that's on me. Moving on from that though, we have some other business to take care of before we can rest. The case might be dealt with, but there are still minor extraneous issues that are begging for our attention. For one, we have to talk to Polly. After that, there are a few people who we should try and speak with. After that, we should return to the agency, because there's something I want to talk to Victoria about," she declared.

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