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In the city of Townsville about many decades into the future, we see three little girls up in their bedroom. One has long strawberry blonde hair with green eyes and is wearing a purple night-dress, the other one has short brown hair with hazel eyes in a gray night-dress and the youngest one has long beautiful blonde hair with diamond blue eyes in a red night-dress. They are in their bedroom, jumping around, even though it's quite late at night.

"We want a story! We want a story! We want a story!" the girls chanted together.

The door sliced open in a futuristic kind of way and there came a black and incoming gray-haired man with sparkling blue eyes and wearing a black vest with lightning bolt designs on them with boots and black pants. "Hello, hello..." he greeted softly.

"Grandpa Kenny!" the girls cheered and rushed to their grandfather, clinging to him. The oldest to his arm, the middle to his torso, and the youngest to his left leg.

The elder man chuckled. "Hello, girls... My perfect little granddaughters..."

"We're perfect, Grandpa Kenny?" the oldest girl asked. "We're kinda plain..."

"Yeah, it's not like we have superpowers," the middle girl said. "Then we'd be REALLY special!"

"Oh, you think superpowers would make you special, huh?" Kenny asked as he walked, nearly wobbling to put them into bed. "I remember a time in Townsville when superpowers were feared."

"Feared?" the youngest girl asked as she clutched a doll that resembled a blue blob.

"Oh, yes," Kenny said as he got them into their triple bunk beds to tell them a bedtime story. "I once knew three young superheroes who didn't feel so good after their special powers. I'm talking about the Powerpuff Girls."

"The Powerpuff Girls?" the young girls asked together.

"Indeed," Kenny nodded, leaning back in the storytelling chair. "They were three spunky little girls with powers, but no one considered them to be special. The people thought they were creepy, bug-eyed freaks."

"That's dumb! How could Townsville think of their greatest heroes like that?" the middle girl growled, sounding very rough and tough.

"Some people are scared of what they don't know," Kenny told her. "The people then saw they were wrong and they actually needed the Girls."

"Grandpa Kenny, is this a true story?" the youngest girl asked. "Did you really know the Powerpuff Girls?"

"Of course, I did, your Aunt Sakura is their older sister," Kenny smiled at her, not favoring her the most, but loved how she was the joy and laughter. "It all started when your Aunt Sakura was living with her mother and her father, Professor Utonium was having another rough day in town... Long before the Girls were born. But... You don't wanna hear that story..." he smirked, teasingly.

"We want to! We want to!" the girls cried to him.

Kenny chuckled, happy that his bribe won them over. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you... It begins where almost every Powerpuff Girls adventure begins... In the city of Townsville..." he started to narrate as he looked out the window to see a clear and endless diamond sky and remembered long ago.

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