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A week had past.

The sun peaked through the cell block's barred windows. For the first time, in a long time; Hailey has had peaceful sleep since she came here. She woke up refreshed and apprehensive about the new day's events.

Her peaceful morning bliss was soon interrupted by Daryl banging his cross bow on her cell door.

"Let's go Princess! Burnin' daylight!"

"What? Where are we going?"


She groaned as she slowly rose out of her bed. There were fresh clothes on the desk across from the bed with a post-it note.

We probably wear the same size so here are some fresh clothes :) xoxo Beth

Hailey smiles at the thought that the people here already accepted her as one of them. She hadn't felt that for a long time.


She thought a black halter crop top, cuffed cargo pants, and black combat boots were as cute as it was gonna get in the middle of a damn apocalypse. She looked down at herself satisfied and grabbed her crossbow. Then walked out her cell to join the others at breakfast.

"Ouuu yes work it gurl! Hot damn!" Maggie and Hailey quickly became close. It's like they already knew each other.

"Thank you mi amour, but courtesy to the lovely Beth for the outfit loan." Hailey flashed a bright smile at the two sisters. Beth blushed.

"Oh it was just something in the back of the wardrobe!" Beth said shooing her hand.  The three girls giggled.

"Don't be so modest Beth! Look at our girl here!" Maggie gave a huge smile with giggling.

"Yeah! I bet the walkers will wanna eat you up! Literally." Beth said trying to maintain a straight face.

The girls looked between one another before busting out loud laughs that rang through the prison.

"The hell we doin' all day? Sittin' round' pickin' daisies or we goin' huntin'?!" Daryl cut their laughter short.

"Gotta go guys, my dickhead of a dictator is beckoning me." Hailey said to Maggie and Beth before catching up with Daryl with her crossbow in hand.

Daryl waited impatiently outside in the courtyard by his motorcycle for Hailey to make her way to him.

"Come on girl! Walk faster! We ain't got all damn day!"

"Oh don't get you panties in a bunch!"

His blood boiled at her insolence.

"I outta make yer' ass walk for talkin' to me like that girl." Daryl figured empty threats would make the girl comply. But to his surprise, she.. smiled?

"Okay hot rod. Just tell where to and I'll walk if that's what you want." She knew he wouldn't let her walk at least 5 miles out to a good spot in the Forrest where Daryl had probably seen some good deer or squirrel action.  Daryl huffed.

"Just get on."

Hailey smirked and climbed on the motorcycle. She wrapped her arms around his middle. He tensed up.

"Nervous Dixon?" She knew the effect she had on him. But it made her wonder..

Why did she have an effect on him?

"Shut up."

Daryl rode about 7 miles out and skidded the motorcycle to a stop before putting up the kickstand. They both got off and slung their cross bows over their shoulders.

"This is the perfect place." Hailey said, demising a joke.

"For what?"

"For you to kill someone out here."

Daryl scoffed.

"Yeah. Lucky I bought ya' along."

"Whatever." A smirk tugged at both their faces. 

"Come on! Through here! I see some doe tracks!" Hailey said excitedly. Daryl was surprised that she could track. More than he would let on to her. And.. if he was being completely honest with himself, no filter...

He was kinda turned on by it. 

Hailey suddenly grabbed his arm and dragged the two of them behind a thick shrub bush.

"Look! It's the doe!" Daryl was impressed with her skills.

I wonder what other surprise talents she got..

Daryl raised his cross bow and aimed it directly at the poor creature's heart. He was about to release an arrow when a soft hand gripped his bicep. He turned to Hailey confused.


He looked again and there it was.. a small fawn standing by its mother's side grazing in the soft forest floor. 

He looked to Hailey again. Her eyes were focused on the deer. They glimmered with something that Daryl couldn't quite figure out. He was then mesmerized by her deep blue eyes.

"We can't kill the doe.. that would be a death sentence to the baby." She whispered. She was right. The fawn looked barely a week old. It still depended on its mother for protection. A mother's protection. Something that was cut short for Daryl.

He lowered his crossbow and sighed. He snapped his head up when he saw Hailey slowly getting up.

"The hell ya doin'?" He whispered yelled in a raspy voice.

"I.. just wanna touch it..." This.. this was a different side of Hailey. One she hardly let come out. The soft side. She always had a sweet spot for animals. No matter what kind it was, she always just had to touch it.

Daryl watched the girl, hypnotized by her slow movement. The sun shining through the trees made it almost seem like Hailey and everything around her was glowing and came alive. For a moment, Daryl had forgotten what the world was like. All the bad things were shoved to the back of his mind. Just for one moment.

Hailey inched closed and closer to the creatures. They looked at her curiously. She squatted down and picked some black berries from the ground and held her palm out. She was filled with joy when the fawn came to her cautiously and began munching on the berries miraculously.

The mother decided it was time to move on and shoved her offspring along. The forest stopped glowing, as a cloud covered the sun momentarily. But, she didn't.  Hailey sighed and walked back the bush they were crouched behind. Daryl stood up.

"Come on hot rod. Let's go look for some squirrels."

Hot rod huh..

Daryl would never admit it to Hailey, but he liked the name hot rod.

Daryl noticed something else about her. Wherever she went, the golden glow followed her. He hadn't noticed this before about her. Why now? Why is he seeing her differently?

No he couldn't be. Daryl never needed anybody. And he wasn't gonna start with some smart ass, cocky chick he met only a week ago.

But yet, he couldn't look at her anymore without seeing that radiant glow that surrounded her. It seem to get brighter when she smiled..when she laughed..

In fact, it seemed it made Daryl's world;

A little bit brighter too.

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