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I grabbed a bowl and spoon, poured some cereal and milk before I sat to hear what happened last night.

"So what happened? "  I asked Emp as I ate my cereal. She looked at me and laughed.

"Ight.. so I'm chilling ...smoking my hookah... I looked down I spot you dancing with this bad shortie right...all of a sudden I see your tongue down her throat and your hand up her skirt lol... I was like Ohhh shittttt.. that's my cousin! " Emp said with a big ass smile.

"OMG... I don't remember that...how the fuck am I gonna explain this shit to scar? " I said as I held my head. Emp looked at me like I was crazy.

"Homie she don't have to know shit...she wasn't there...anyway there's more lol" Emp laughed as she bit into her donut.

"Noo.. it can't get any worse than that"  I said worried.

"Ohh but it did lol..so I looked away for like 2 minutes then looked back unto the dance floor but you and ole girl was gone..so I decided to go find you..as I'm about to walk into the bathroom shortie came rushing out...dressed filled in vomit haha. " Emp laughed out loud trying to catch her breath.

"Ohh lawddd"  I shook my head.

"So I walked into the bathroom to find you passed out in your bra on the bathroom floor next to the toilet with vomit alllll over your mouth lol...I picked you up and drove us home....by the way your ass heavy as fuck "  Emp said still laughing.

"That ain't funny... I almost fucked that girl.. I'm never drinking like that Everrr again" I said as I got up, put the bowl in the sink and went to take a shower, leaving Emp in the kitchen still laughing her ass off.

I locked the bathroom door behind me, reached in the cabinet and took two aspirin. Brushed my teeth then  ran my bath water and got in.

My mind wandered to sex flashbacks of me and Scar.  I began to feel horny so I reached down inbetween my legs and started rubbing on my clit, as I grind slowly against my fingers. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as soft moan escape my lips.  I took my finger, slide it down my clit and into my pussy. I thrust back and forth several times going harder and faster, as I'm about to climax there was a knock at the door.


"What! " I yelled.

"Hunny.. Scarlet is here to see you."  my said from the other side of the door.

My eyes grew big, I quickly got out the tub and put on my bathrobe, opened the door and went downstairs. She stood at the bottom of the stairs with no expression on her face.

"Hey...I didn't mean to show up uninvited, I called you to let you know I was coming but you didn't answer." she said calmly.

"It's cool... you're always welcome here and I was taking a bath...how are you though? " I replied.

"I'm living...anyway I came to see you in person to tell you that .....we should take a break. " she said looking at the staircase.

"What?...Why? " I asked confused.

"Now isn't a good time for us to be together... My mother still isn't talking to me ..she can barely look at me and it hurts everytime because we were so close."  she answered looking down at the floor.

"So when is a good time Scar?...I understand that you want back the relationship you had with your mom but you can't hide the fact that you're attracted to females...she's either gonna accept or not but you're grown you have to do what makes you happy." I said leaning against the wall.

"I know that...don't you think I know that?  But this is too much right now...I just want to focus on getting my degree and have a relationship with my mother again." she said looking at me.

"So basically you're gonna live the rest of Your life to please your mom at the age of 21 ..hmm Ok and I'm not a distraction from you getting your degree so you can eliminate that excuse. " I replied harshly. She looked at me with a straight face.

"Whatever Nevaeh... If we're meant to be we'll be" she said with attitude.

"You ain't got shit else to say because you know I'm right" I told her. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"You had fun last night? " she asked changing the topic. I looked at her nervously.

"Shit does she know?"  I asked myself.

"Why you asking me that?"

"Well it was your birthday... I'm assuming you went out. "  she answered .

"Yea I did but I don't remember half of it... I was drunk." I answered calmly.

"Yea Ok...anyway I got to go...bye Nevaeh." she said heading towards the door.

"So that's it?  We're over? " I asked still not believing it. She stopped and looked back at me.

"I'm sorry"  she responded then left closing the door behind her.

I just stood there like did that really happen?. I walked into the living room and told Emp to meet me in my room.

I put on my basketball shorts and a tank top, sat on my bed and rolled up. Emp came in put her hand on my shoulder and sat next to me.

"So what happened?  What she say?" Emp asked as I lit the blunt and took a hit, laying back and looking up at the ceiling.

"She broke up with me...talking bout ..now isn't the right time for us..she need to focus on school and having a relationship with her mom again." I answered as I passed the blunt to Emp.

"What?... That's some bullshit...all I heard there was excuses.. lame ones at that because she like girls regardless and her mom gonna have to deal with it at some point in time or not lol. " Emp said taking a few hits before she passed it back.

"Yea I told her that and lowkey she knows that..I love this girl Emp like you don't even know...it ain't over.. Ima see that ass on campus and make her regret breaking up with me." I hit the blunt and blew smoke into the air.

"The fuck you gonna do? Don't do nothing crazy mane. " Emp said looking at me crazy. I laughed.

"Lol... Nah nothing like that...ima make her want to take me back that's all."  I said passing the blunt back to her.

"She wasn't thinking when she broke up with you... she should've at least waited until after she got her Christmas gift...that's what I would've done" she said as she took a hit.

I slapped her stomach hard making her cough.

"That's not funny lol" I said but laughed anyway because it was.

We laid there for awhile smoking and talking about Scar at first then random shit. When we was finished smoking Emp left to go chill with some girl so I laid there until I fell asleep.


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