Chapter 31- I Can't Wait to Leave

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Melrose’s P.O.V

 “Are you feeling strong enough to start Physiotherapy today?” Maureen asked walking over to the window and drawing the curtains back.

“Really? At…” Beau paused to look at the clock before continuing. “Eight-thirty in the morning?”

Maureen nodded with a sly smile on her face. “You been lounging around for almost two months and you’re not ready to do some exercise?”

“One I was in a coma for most of the time and two no.” Beau retorted.

Maureen cast me a look and I shrugged my shoulders. “He moans constantly about needing a walk around and now he has the chance, he doesn’t want to.”

 Hearing Beau scoffed, I –gently (I use that term lightly) - whacked his thigh. “I’m not moaning. I’m stating it’s too early.”

 I snorted, “So moaning.”

“If people missed the facial resemblance, they would definitely know you’re related from the bickering.” Maureen stated, with a small chuckle on her behalf.

“O.K O.K, I’ll do it.”

I rolled my eyes at Beau’s ridiculous statements. I dread to think what Maureen was thinking about our family. Parents rarely visiting and Beau being awkward.

“You must only do it if you feel strong enough.” Maureen repeated, seeming to drill it into Beau’s head.

Beau flexed his fingers and wiggled his toes. “I think I’m good.” Beau replied.


“C’mon Beau you’ve only done half the reps.”

Beau groaned, but continued to lift his leg up and down. “You’ll find out how hard it is if you did it too.”

Beau started chewing the inside of his cheek in concentration. I nodded with a smile forming on my face. I plopped down next to Beau and lifted my left leg up and down, mimicking his moves.

“If being in a coma isn’t hard enough, you’re then forced to do physiotherapy.”

“By choice not force,” Maureen mused, temporarily looking up from her clipboard.

“Nine and ten,” I said, finishing the reps.

“In my defence you haven’t been in a car crash and you haven’t been in a coma.” Beau said trying to hide the jealousy in his voice.

I smiled when I realised that Beau was actually finished with the reps and had started to go over. Maybe a rant would do him well.

He carried on ranting and raving all the while doing his reps. “Whoa, whoa, calm down Beau. Don’t want to over exert your muscles too much.” Maureen told gathering her clipboard under her arm.

“But, I haven’t finished my ten!” Beau exclaimed, pointing to his leg.

A chuckle escaped my lips and Beau’s head snapped to face me. He shot me a ‘what’ look so I began to explain, “While you were ranting, you managed to complete your reps.”

“I was not ranting.” Beau replied firmly, crossing his arms to prove his point.

 I rolled my eyes, “If you say so.”

 "Your especially grumpy today aren’t you.” Maureen said with chuckle. “I know you hate being coped up but you’re going to have to endure it a little longer.”

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