Chapter 2: It's Bart Boredelon.

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Okay so it's chapter 2.
I've been debating whether to carry on writing but,I am still going to because it's fun😂✌️
Haha. I hope more people read it as it improves:)
Enjoy, chlo x
Chloe's POV

Me and Charlotte both hopped out of the car and I locked the doors.
"Ready for the best day of school?" I asked her seeing as it's our last day, forever of going to this place of doom.
"Hell yes! Who isn't?!" She replied as if I was insane.
We walked through the death trap's entrance and down the corridor whilst hearing the usual whistles from the "popular boys". I mean just because we are youtube famous, they think they can just have us within a click of a finger, pffft. Nice try!
When we reached our lockers, the bell rang and I got my stuff out that I needed first.
We were a bit late but, we always are so it doesn't matter really. Well, to us anways.
As we entered english we had a bad tell off but we don't care..


The bell rang, signalling the end of the last lesson today,which was a test.
Luckily the day went really fast.
We charged out of the school, threw our papers and now old books/folders in the bin and climbed in my car.
We started singing to songs on the radio.

I pulled up to my house and we ran inside and to the kitchen.
Me and Chloe both look at each other.
"EXTREME ICE CREAM", we screamed whilst pulling all of the ingredients we needed from the pantry and fridge.
I finished making the sundaes which had, popcorn,vanilla and chocolate ice cream, marshmallows,toffee sauce, sprinkles,two wafers and were each topped off with a strawberry.


When we finished eating we ran to the living room and watched mean girls as we absolutely love that film. Who doesn't really?


Charlotte called her mum to tell her she'd be at mine Til abit later on.
I walked to see my mum and dad in the kitchen.
"Hey, Chlo. Come here". Dad said,
I walked towards them with my eyebrows furrowed together.
"Uhh,yeah?" I asked actually quite nervous. Because whenever they want to talk to me all serious like, I'm in trouble.
They looked at each other then back to me. " well, we've decided to give you a couple of gifts because your leaving tomorrow."

I was in shock to be honest. They were paying for pretty much everything to start with, I feel bad but they insisted I have the gifts.
"Guys you shouldn't have but thank you so much."
They gave me a bag, I opened it wide and saw a MacBook Pro and a Polaroid. I gasped and hugged them.

Then in the bottom of the bag there was an envelope, I opened it and it was a cheque for $25,000. What?!

Charlotte pretended to cough to say 'where are my gifts?' In a joke way but then, mum pulled another bag and envelope out from behind her. "wow thank you so much for this Sally and Scott, you shouldn't have!" Charlotte told them.

Me and Charlotte looked at each other, screamed and hugged my parents. In her bag was exactly the same as mine and the same amount of money in the envelope!

We both thanked them again and ran upstairs to my room.

"You know Charley, I'm gonna miss this place. A lot. We have so many memories with friends here and family. We grew up here." I said, tearing up a bit. All my childhood memories happened here mostly.

Charley started tearing up too. "Aw I know. It's so sad. But anyway! We have a party tonight at Lauren's house to say goodbye properly. So let's not get all sad yet because our time here isn't over and never really will be. We own this town bitch." I nodded in reply and hugged her whilst laughing a bit at her choice of words.

I packed the rest of my clothes I had spare in my closet apart from tonight's outfit and tomorrow's travel clothes.


All we were doing was recapping memories here whilst laying on my bed, with snacks and drinks.
I checked the time and it was 6pm. We decided to get ready for the party at Charley's house so we said goodbye to my mum, dad and little sister, then left.
We were jamming to the Midnight Memories album on the way.
I reversed into the driveway of my best friends house and we both got out and walked inside.
"Hey mum and dad."
"Hey Susan and Dave."
"Hiya girls." They both replied to us in unison.
Me and Charlotte both charged to her bedroom.
I ran behind her and as soon as we got to her room , I threw my bag on her bed and we started packing the rest of her stuff.

Charlotte's POV

Me and Chloe were packing the rest of my stuff whilst listening to My phone music until it went off signalling I had a call. We looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows at the unknown number. I answered it and said "Hello Charlotte Smith talking."

The person on the other line replied "hello there. This is Bart Boredelon speaking. I'm the creator of magCON. I'm not sure wether you're aware of what it is?"

"No sorry i don't have a clue" I laugh a bit.

"No problem. Basically it's a convention where a bunch of youtubers and viners all gather together and go on stage answer questions, mess around, but most important be yourself and I was wandering whether you and your friend Chloe Caniff would like to come. I'm quite aware her cousin Taylor Caniff will be there too."

I had to hold in my screams just then. Chloe kept giving me looks as if to say what is it?

"That surely sounds amazing and very exciting. Would you be able to hold the offer for a minute so me and Chloe can discuss things and fully decide if we want to go, Mr Boredelon?" I asked politely.

"Of Course. Please get back to me ASAP. Thank you. Speak soon. Bye."

"Goodbye, Bart." I ended the call and literally screamed, at the same time making Chloe jump and fall off the bed. Whoops.
She jumped back up and rubbed her head. I let out a small laugh at her.

I just hope she says yes to this because this would be such an awesome experience for the both of us and it would help our careers.
Also, I wander who the other youtubers/viners are going to be there. I just hope they're cute.

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