Chapter 3: Are you serious?

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Charlotte's POV:

My hands are literally sweating right now because I'm so nervous to ask Chloe.

What if she says no? How will she react? Will it be good or bad news? What if, what if, what if?!

All these bad thoughts keep rushing to my head as I stand up, pacing back and forward around my room.

"okay so? Are you gonna finally tell me who that was and what they want, or nah?" She laughs a bit. "Ha. Yeah," I laugh. "So, that was Bart Bordelon. He is the creator of a meet and greet convention, magcon for short. Basically, it's a big get together for a bunch of youtubers and viners like ourselves to go up on stage and do a bunch of things together, then meet fans."
"That sounds really cool!" She says and nods for me to go on.
"Well, he has invited us to attend with 11 other guys and a girl. I'm up for it if you are?" I stand waiting for her answer, while she has a blank face.
She starts laughing really hard. "what?!" I ask.
"y-yo-your face was priceless! OF COURSE I WILL GO!"
"AHHHHHHHH!" We both start screaming, jumping and dancing around the room.
Chloe's POV:
I can't believe that we are going to MAGCON!
It's all so exciting. I also found out that my cousin Taylor Caniff is going so I decided to FaceTime him.
*calls taylor on FaceTime*
*FaceTime call*
T- Hey Chlo! How's it goin?
C- Hey Tay! not bad thanks, I finished packing today, ready to hit the road tomorrow morning. What about you?
T- Oh yeah we leave for college don't we tomorrow? I can't believe we are gonna be living really near each other and in the same college! I can't wait.
C- Yes we do! Did you not remember? How on earth could you forget?
T- I don't even know Chloe, I don't even know. Is Charlotte there?
C- yeah I'm at hers right now. Hey! Are you going to Lauren's party tonight?
T- Yeah are you?
C-yes of course we are! Can't miss our last proper party here. Oh and guess what?
C-Me and Charley are coming to MAGCON! We can't wait.
T-Yay! Hey, I gotta go, we have 1 and a half hours until the party and I have to pick up a friend, Nash, he's staying at his Aunt's. Cya Chlo!
C- Kk! Bye Tay!
*FaceTime call ended*
I look at the time on my iPhone 6 Plus and immediately panic, me and Charlotte needed to be there half an hour earlier than everyone else so we could help Lauren and our other friend Maisy set up! Whoops.
"CHARLOTTE QUICK WE HAVE AN HOUR!" I scream, maybe a little too loud.
"OMG! Noooo. I'm not gonna be done!" She panics too.
"Well let's hurry!"
I quickly pick my make up, curling wand and clothes up and run to the bathroom first.
"Bitch." I hear Charlotte sigh.
I just laugh in response.

I put on a light layer of foundation, then concealer, powder and finish off with mascara to make my lashes look longer with winged eyeliner. I also add some red lipstick and clear lipgloss to top off.
I curl my blonde and blue hair perfectly then I quickly undress from my sweats and strappy top. I pick up my fresh, white panties and black unmatching bra from Victoria's Secret and slip on my white skater skirt and black spaghetti strap crop top. I have my nails painted black and white. I decide on small infinity silver diamond earrings and a small matching necklace for my jewellery options.

I rush out the bathroom that connects to my bedroom and see Charlotte run in my room.
"We have 10 fucking minutes to get there, shit." Is how she greets me.
"OMFG, HURRY!!" I shout.
I click on my phone case, shove my galaxy vans into a bag so I can dance without getting cramps in my foot and slip on my silver glitter high heels. I put my Polaroid into my black bag and my phone with extra make up. Whilst grabbing my overnight bag I charge downstairs being careful not to break my neck on the way down. We both shout goodbye. I get into my car as Charlotte locks the door. I finally start the car and off we go.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. My party outfit is here and charlotte's one will be on the next chapter. Love you! More soon ,Chloe x x

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