Entry 9

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Attention; a sweet symptom.
A sweet symptom of what you may ask? A sweet symptom of something in your life currently. You mind will piece the words to something familiar, something relatable to yourself. But why is attention a sweet symptom? Perhaps it's a new relationship and the attention given between the two is a sweet symptom of the newfound thing between them. Attention the sweet symptom of two people or more. The act of talking and perhaps bringing joy to someone who may have been lonely. A sweet symptom, but it could also be a darker thing. Attention is not always good but bringing attention to a bad situation could result in a sweet symptom of thus. I'm beginning to realize or think that attention and it being a sweet symptom is a classic case of equivalent exchange; such as everything have a cause and effect. Cause is attention and effect is the sweetness of such, making it a symptom.

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