Dammit kaminari!!!

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Everyone from class 1-a is at Todoroki's party,except M**eta because he refused to keep a three foot distance from all girls( and some guys).

"Bakubro!" Kaminari yelled, skipping happily up to bakugou, as Mina and Sero followed.

"Whadup, fuck nuggets," Bakugou said, bluntly.

"Ouch," Sero said sarcastically, placing a hand over his heart.

"Got any idea on how we can help the..." Mina paused, looking around cautiously.

"THE BROCCOLI AND PEPPERMINT PROBLEM," Mina loudly whispered, making bakugou flinch.

"Fuck, You piss-pouches can't be quiet for shit!" Bakugou said, making popping noises with his hand. (Mini explosions via his quirk)

"Everyone gather around, we're playing never have I ever!" Uraraka yelled, as everyone tested themselves to a spot in the circle.

Bakugou sat down, only to be hugged from behind, as he turned to explode the perpetrator, he was met by the same angelic smile he fell for when he first met the love of his life.

"Hey, Kat" he stopped to see bakugou's expression, noticing his terribly dark aura, he quickly added, "Suki" to the end.

"I missed you," Kirishima said, beginning to wrap his arm around bakugou's shoulder only for Bakugou to shrug Kirishima off, causing the red head to look like a kicked puppy.

"Tch" Bakugou 'said', picking up Kirishima and placing him on his lap, causing Kirishima's face to match his hair in color.

"Sorry, bad mood," Bakugou mumbled softly.

"It's okay bakubabe,"
Kirishima said, smiling widely.

Bakugou scanned the room, only to find a sulky candy cane staring at them, causing bakugou to hug Kirishima even tighter.

"Who wants to start-" Uraraka started, but was abruptly cut off by Kaminari,

"Me!me!Me!" Kaminari screeched frantically, startling the group.

He the turned and winked at Bakusquad before speaking.

"Never have I ever... Lied about something so ground breaking that potentially ruined the relationship with someone in the infirmary on Tuesday," Kaminari said, staring directly at Midoriya, who paled at the statement.

"I'm gonna kill that little fucker," Mina said, standing up and dragging Kaminari into another room as Sero, Bakugou and (unknowingly) Midoriya, followed.
If you couldn't tell the story is going to be longer than anticipated so I now want to thank all the people who have voted and commented (+read) my story🥰🥰🥰- Rozelle xoxo 💋

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