Chapter 27

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I groaned, moving my neck to help relieve the pain before opening my eyes. " Hey, how are you feeling? " My eyes had flashed over to Natsu and Gajeel, the two standing by my bed. " Like crap. Is it your guys turn to fight? " Gajeel flashed a smile and nodded his head. " Yeah, we're gonna win for sure. " I attempted to sit up, using my hands to help lift my body. " Hiss! Ah god, that hurts! " Natsu had instantly jumped up before running over and helping me lift my sore body. " Be careful, Porlyusica said your body was really weak. You have to rest Y/n. " I nodded my head, trying to ignore the pain that was coming from my stomach. " Why didn't you tell us about the pain, we could've helped you. " I shrugged, they knew that I didn't like taking help from others. " I guess I just didn't wanna burden anyone. Both you guys know I don't like making others solve my problems. " 

" Sometimes problems need help solving. " Gajeel smirked at ruffled my hair. " We have to go Shorty. " I had bounced up from my spot, ready to lift the blankets and follow them out of the infirmary. " No, you need to stay here and rest. " Gajeel had pushed me back, causing me to lay back on the bed. " But I wanna watch you guys fight. " I grumbled, this was supposed to be my highlight of the games.  " We'll tell you about it later, rest Y/n, you really need it. " I frowned and pulled up the blankets, now I was super bummed that I had to miss their fight. " We'll win, don't worry. " I frowned and nodded my head, dang my stupid body, why did I have to be so weak at a time like this. I watched as the two exited the room, the two flashing me a smile before closing the door behind them. " How are you doing Y/n? " I glanced over at Lucy who was sitting in her bed, Wendy flashing me a smile with April, Myles, and Carla beside her. " Hey guys, guess I got myself in a small situation but I'll be fine. Now let's see what this fight is all about. " I put two fingers beside my eyes and closed them. " Natsu and Gajeel. " I flashed the mind-reading to every Fairy Tail member in the room so they could see the fight as well. 

Each hit, magic they used, I could see it all. Natsu and Gajeel were dominating and they were doing amazing against the two twin dragons. I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face once Natsu had unleashed the dark dragon slayer magic that lied in his body, the exact magic that I had learned from Acnalogia was inside of him as well. After I had given him some of my magic on Tenrou, it turned out to waver in his body like the flame inside of him. " Dark flame dragon roar! " The crowd went wild at the magic, each one of them cheering and staring in awe at the black and orange fire that came out of his mouth. " Wow, I never thought he'd use that. " Wendy muttered, she continued to space out, staring up at the ceiling and watching the fight from the memories I had transferred to her.  Dark flame lotus! Exploding flame blade! " Natsu had used his last attack on the two dragon slayers, after making a unison raid Natsu had taken it down with his secret art. Leaving the two falling to the ground and Natsu standing hight and Mighty. I loved my gaze to my lap, smiling down before closing the gate to his mind. 

With Natsu 

" What an exciting way to end day four's Grand Magic Games! " I pumped my fist in the air and yelled out in happiness. " Natsu. " I had turned my head towards Sting, he lifted his head. Slowly lifting his body in the process and looked up at me. " Tell, t-tell Y/n, that I'm sorry. " 

Later that day

I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling of our hotel room. Wow, I guess I was sleeping so long that I got taken to the hotel instead of staying at the infirmary. " Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling? " Gray flashed me a smiled from the couch, he sat there staring up at the lacrima TV that was playing a movie. I smiled over at him, this time sitting up without ease. The pain in my body still sat there but it was more bearable. " I'm hungry. "  Gray smirked and rolled his eyes before standing up from the couch. " What do you want? "  I flashed a toothy grin, at the moment I was dying for anything. " Ramen please! oh and cookies if you can find any. " Gray had grabbed his coat and slipped it around his arms. " Are you sure you'll be fine alone? Nobody will be back for a couple of hours. " I nodded my head, reaching for the remote Gray had held out for me. " Yeah, I'll be fine. " Gray nodded and exited the room. I had looked over at the TV, deciding to watch the movie that was already on. The familiar scent that filled my nose made me look over at the balcony in curiosity. I couldn't exactly put my finger on the scent but I knew it was someone who I knew. 

" Y/n are you okay! " I jumped in fright at the green exceed that jumped on my bed. " Yeah sorry, he wanted to come to see if you were okay. " Rouge had appeared from his shadow, a few bandages covering his body from the fight with Natsu earlier. " Wait, Rouge I thought you - " 
Rouge chuckled out nervously and coughed, stopping Frosh from talking. " Oh, he also wanted to bring you this. " Rouge held out a bag, I grabbed the bag and looked inside. Inside was a few snacks, candy and pocky. " Awe, thank you. I love pocky. " I smiled over at Frosh before rubbing his head. " What happened exactly? You just collapsed out of nowhere when I found you. " Rouge sat at the corner of my bed, laying his hands in his lap and smiling over at me. " Turns out I don't have one but two broken ribs. Natsu hit me pretty hard and I figured I wasn't that hurt, turns out I was wrong. I tend to push myself to my limits a lot. " Rouge chuckled under his breath, smiling over at me before getting up from the bed. " Frosh and I have to go but, when you're healed, let's hang out sometime. " Frosh jumped in Rouge's arms, waving at me before sinking into the shadows and disappearing from the room. " Sure thing Rouge, when I'm healed, let's hang. " 

That's the end of this chapter!
Bye my unicorns XOXO

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