Social Position Paper: Economy

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Social 30-1: Economy

Second Semester

Senior year, 2019

Princess Roberts

Social 30

March.15, 2019

Government Support: Contradiction In The Making

                           Throughout history, there have been many attempts to discover the extent to which government policies and interference should impact the economy of a nation. From centrally controlled Mercantilism to the free-market consumerism of the industrial revolution, economies have shifted and adapted to the social and political desires of each time period and nation. A significant question in the discussion of economic systems is whether government intervention creates a better economy for its citizens, and who the ultimate means of production should be regulated by. There are still disputes on which economic ideologies are best to enact in various nations today. The source, however, adopts a modern liberal, slightly socialist ideology that suggests government involvement is imperative for those facing economic strife. Modern liberals, after observing the negative results of the industrial revolution and free-market on labourers, suggested that the government should re-involve itself in the economy. Evidently, the source supports government intervention for the main purposes of aiding those who are struggling to survive in the free market. According to this source, it is imperative that social issues that affect economic situations should be addressed to allow individuals the ability to "improve their well-being", consequently, their ability to garner success from contributing to their economy. Such situations not being addressed would be a denial of that individual's right to economic support, a right they deserve for contributing to the economy. Therefore, not addressing disadvantaged individuals would be a direct restriction of opportunities for that individual, according to this source. Thus, the implementation of economic policies that include the distribution of healthcare, education and addressing poverty would be supported by this source, as those policies would give individuals with an economic disadvantage the opportunity to gain skills to compete in the free market. Overall, this source outlines government intervention in the economic support of disadvantaged individuals as obligatory, and does so on the grounds that negligence of these individuals would deny them the ability to prosper economically.

                           It is important to embrace most of the ideologies in this source, as it is imperative for the government and, in turn, the economy to provide some level of support that improves the well-being of citizens. More so, it is relevant to support individuals and minorities that cannot compete fairly in the economy due to aspects beyond their control, because their improvement impacts the overall improvement of the economy. Ongoing crises such as healthcare and disabilities should be respected as areas of obligatory government involvement because, without such economic aid, there is a restriction of opportunity for those individuals to take part in the economy, thus creating less economic growth. However, a large factor of a well-run economy is an individual's incentive to work and consume. Likewise, there must be a business's incentive to produce valued and effective products for citizens that have various consumer identities. Therefore, governments should avoid the negligence of disadvantaged individuals and minorities for the sake of simply incentivizing. One of the most essential roles of the government, if involved in the economy, is to ensure the smallest amount of disparity between the classes and eradicate as much poverty as possible. This allows for a more stable economy and a better chance to address and solve an ongoing crisis which, in turn, improves the well-being of an individual and their nation.

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