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"It's so beautiful out here. I can't remember a spring day like this. Where the clouds were light and fluffy and the sky was as blue as the ocean. The flowers in full bloom throughout the entire meadow. And to think, all this life, all this wondrous beauty was made from three simple things. Dirt, water, sunlight. It's all it needs to survive. To grow. And we get to be apart of it, we get to grow alongside the flowers, and the hills, the sun, the sky. There's never been anything more beautiful in this world, than life."

"I can name one thing that is." She grins.

"Really, and what would that be?"

Her laugh echos across the knolls of grass beneath us. "It would be the sight of a beautiful girl, sitting on a picnic blanket near me, dreaming of a world that holds so much beauty, not knowing that the world's most dazzling spectacle was her, herself."


"What? Come on tell me that wasn't good? That took me weeks to compose!" Her laugh is as contagious as her smile, as I can't help myself but be infected. 

She stands, as a new song starts playing from the radio, and holds out her hand for me, which I gladly grasp. 

Immediately she loops her left arm around my waist and starts swaying us around the grass, dancing blissfully to our favorite song.

"You know I love you more than anything."

"And I love you more than there are stars in the sky."

We continue to dance for what could be forever. Until the song fades away from us slowly, replaced by a gradual beeping.

Coming closer, and closer, and Closer, and CLOS-




"Sapphire! Wake up already! God damn girl it's time to go!"

"Huh, what?" I stir awake abruptly as the blanket is thrown off my side of the bed. Wha-

"Amethyst, what on earth are you doing here at seven in the morning?" I groggily lay back down in bed, irritated by the intrusion. Mornings are not, and never will be my strong suit.

"It's Tuesday Sapphire, which means the same thing as yesterday, school. Get up and get ready fast because I'm not keeping the car ready for long." Amethyst, in her usual grumpy mood, grabs my blanket again and takes it out of my room on her way out, leaving me exposed to the chilly morning air.

I look at my phone, lingering on the lock screen of me and Ruby at the nightclub in Monterey. That was one of my favorite nights with her. 

Quickly I wipe the tear out of my eye as I realize I'll be late if I don't hurry. Senior year waits for no one, not even poor ole Sapphire. I get dressed in whatever random shirt I find in our closet and pull some jeans on. After brushing my teeth and hair I grab Ruby's ribbon and tie it around my wrist like I have been doing every morning for nearly a year. 

Nearly a year. Huh.

The steady, familiar beep of Ruby's heart monitor beside the bed pulls me back to reality. School. Yeah. Okay, just another day. 

I sling my backpack over my shoulders, grab my ring from Ruby's bedside table and give her a kiss on the forehead before taking my leave downstairs. 

"Hey Phire, come 'ere a second." Ruby's dad calls me from their living room where he's usually reading his newspaper and smoking a cigar. He started calling me Phire and a few months ago ever since I went a little too far at my birthday party. Possibly starting a fire. I think it's a pretty cool nickname. Reminds me of Ruby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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