Chapter 15

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Today we were leaving for tour. I was really excited for it. We were opening the tour in New York. Shawn were holding my hand as he was leading me through the crowd to our boarding gate. He kept me close to him.

When we were through we looked back and waved at the fans before getting on our flight. I love Shawn's fans, they're really supportive of him and his choices.

We got our seats on the plane and got comfy. I put my head on his shoulder and he had his hand on my knee. "Shawn, thanks for everything." I said as we took off. He smiled at me softly stroked my cheek with his thumb before kissing my forehead.

After a couple of hours we arrived in New York and went to get our luggage. We had security helping us get to our car to go to the hotel since it was crazy with all the fans.

"You okay?" Shawn asked when we got in the car. I nod and he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. It gave me butterflies. For the first time in 2 years I'm falling for a guy again and I never thought it would be my best friend.

We reached the hotel and went to our separate rooms. I couldn't wait for the tour kick offf tonight. I took a shower and washed my hair. I also shaved my legs and did a face mask. I got my nails done back in LA.

I dried my hair and makeup before getting dressed in an outfit Shawn chose for me back in LA for tonight

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I dried my hair and makeup before getting dressed in an outfit Shawn chose for me back in LA for tonight.

I wasn't just here to support and keep Shawn company on tour, he also a week before asked me to open up at concerts for him

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I wasn't just here to support and keep Shawn company on tour, he also a week before asked me to open up at concerts for him. When I was done I met Shawn, his manager and security down in the lobby and we left for the venue.

When we got there we did sound check and Shawn's stylist got him ready. I was sitting with him untill I was called to go on stage. I was handed my mic and the music for mt first song started.

As soon as the music started the crowd started cheering, I started singing and went on stage. I was dancing with the crowd and just enjoyed it.

I started my last song before Shawn came on and I was really into it. A minute into the song the Mendes Army started screaming and shouting. I looked to my side and saw Shawn coming towards me. I smiled as I sang and he stood behind me, hugging me. He then whispered in my ear. "You can be my one last time everyday." he said kissing my cheek. I blushed and crowd aw'd. My song finished and I let Shawn take over from me.

He was talking to the fans between songs which I found really cute. "So as you all know Evie came to LA 2 years ago, today is exactly 2 years since I've met her. Over the years I got to know her and she really became a big part of my life, so I wrote this song." he said.

As he was singing he kept looking to where I was standing and I was blushing hard. He's stylist came over and stood next to me. "He's crazy about you Evie." she said to me. "I think I love him Sam." I said. "No, you know you love him Evie." she said.

After the concert ended and he came off stage he grabbed me gently by the face and kissed me. "You have no idea how long I waited to do that." he said looking into my eyes. I smiled and then kissed him. His one hand on my cheek and the other one on my waist. It felt like fireworks.

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