Hi darlings.
I'm super tired today and been run off my feet.
I was looking through my requests when I saw one about trust.....
Personally I find it hard to trust people.
Trust is something that has to be earned.
I think that when someone betrays your trust then there's no going back from it.All trust will be gone.
There's only a handful of people I trust in my life.
People prove whether you should trust them or not.
I would say I'm a good person to trust as I wouldn't betray someone.
If someone comes to you in trust then you cherish it.
Don't ever betray someone's trust as you might never ever earn it back.
Trust is one of the crucial foundations of any successful and healthy relationship or friendship.
Trust is a funny thing to some people.
Some people in this world would expect trust but not give it back.
I will say it is hard to trust if you've been hurt.
If a person has had their trust broken before then they will be very cautious whether to trust someone or not.
You need trust in your life it's important.
Lots of love
A x
Welcome my darlings. Here's some real talk for you all. Enjoy
Ficción GeneralHit with REALITY. Advice!!!!