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I'm still sleepy...... Why am I sleepy? It's already 10 in the morning. Right, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Bakugou and I almost KISSED! I mean that never meant to happen but it did! So embarrassing! My face becomes hot everytime I think about it! Why can't I forget?! Dear God I hope I won't see him today. I don't even know how to face him anymore. I bet he won't even want to see me again as well. Might just hope so, I don't want things to get complicated between us. We're just classmates he said so is what it should be. I sigh for the millionth time today, looking up at the ceiling. I stretch myself and decided to go to the agency. I got my suit and wore casual clothes then fixed my appearance before heading out.

Upon my arrival, there was nothing unusual, just the same mornings I go to. Everyone just has their own thing to do and they aren't minding others. I sit down on my seat and began to make my report on my last hero battle to submit to the manager. I began typing away, every detail of what I had come accross. This helped me not think about last night a lot. After doing so, I just sat back and drank some of my coffee. Going back to what happened, I just ran out if the door and and sprinted towards my house without looking back. I got home wet and soggy but I haven't gotten a cold or fever which I'm thankful for. I don't know what he is thinking about right now, or what he did after I ran out into the storm. 

I grabbed my papers and headed towards my manager's office then handed my report to his secretary. When I got back, I noticed most of my colleagues gathered around near my desk. I was curious and continued my way until I approached them. "Uh? What's going on?" I asked. They were full of grins, giggles, chuckles and smiles. "Guess what appeared on your desk!" a woman tells me. Confused, I sat down and saw an open note.



I blushed pink at the note. He wants to see me now, then again, how am I suppose to face him. What do I say? What do I do??!?!! I'm starting to panic so hard right now. I completely ignored my colleagues questions as I got up and headed towards the elevator and got in. I pressed 1 for the lobby and waited patiently. I wish it would take longer than it has to though. My legs began to feel weak and wobbly just thinking about talking to him after what happened last night. Within no time, the elevator doors opened and I took in a deep breath to calm myself. I walked out and looked around when I noticed him by the doors. So I sprinted towards him, though I regretted. But I feel guilty for making him wait, I know how impatient he can be. I gulped as I whispered his name when he turned around. "Hey," he says plainly. He isn't mad? I looked up to meet those crimson eyes of his. "U-uh h-hi. Y-you want to talk?" I asked nervously. "Did you forget about what you fucking said last night?" he asked with annnoyance. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to almost-" I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth. "Forget about it. Get your ass moving, we're going to the amusement park," he says then walks away as I trailed behind him.

He just forgets about it like that? He didn't get mad? Well, it's for the better that we pretend that never happened. The amusement park.... Right, I made him promise me. I sighed in relief since maybe this trip will make me less awkward towards him now. We'll just go back to being 'classmates' and that's all. We are now on the bus and I sat beside him. I come to realize that I have been this close to him lately, but I choose to ignore it. Minutes passed, we got off and in front of the huge amusement park of the city. "Wow! It's so big! The rides look exciting!" I exclaim as I dragged Bakugou inside. "What the fuck?!" he shouted at me but I ignored his retort. There were too many things to do that I don't even know where to start. "Are you gonna do something or are you just gonna stand there?" he asked annoyed and impatient. "I wanna go for a log ride!" she exclaims and drags him yet again. After a few minutes of lining up with random people, they sat together on a log and went on.

The ride went into a 'mountain' with flowers, signs and other random things basing on the location of the design like a desert. After eveything, theu were going up to the highest peak of the ride. They then came crashing down with high speed and she was screaming happily the whole time. Her laughs filled the atmosphere they were both in until they got off by the end of the ride. "That was so much fun!" she says. "Yeah, whatever, what next?" he asked. "Let's go on every single ride!" she cheers and he sighs.

The whole day was surprisingly.... Fun. Bakugou had fun with Uraraka the whole time. They rode almost all of the rides and ate delicious food from Bakugou's money. Right now, they are walking around, eating soms cotton candy. Uraraka was happy because she got to see the fun side of Bakugou who is always angry. Most of all is seeing his smile at times today. They are chatting and whatnot until they decided head for home. "Wait! Please take me on the ferris wheel!" she begged and he shook his head. "No! It's getting late!" he shouted. Guess he might be in a bad mood earlier than expected. "Please! I promise this will be the last one!" she begged already clasping her hands together. "I'm tired besides that, I don't like that round piece of turning shit," he replied and looked away theb started to walk. Uraraka grabbed his arm and began to pull him. "Please! This will be the last one!" she begged and held on harder. "I said no! You've been on 15 rides already! Just exclude that and let's leave!" he shouted, getting some attention of other people. "I-it's just that....... I want to see the sight of the city from up high," she whispered in a low and saddened tone. His eye twitched at her dumb excuse, it may be true that she never saw the beauty of the city from up high. Whispers then began swirling around both of them from the crowd.

"Is he angry with her?"

"How could he be mean to his girlfriend?"

"She looks like she's gonna cry"

"Youngsters these days are too much"

"Isn't she the hero from tv yesterday?"

He is now angry with the random stares. "THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?! WANNA PICK A FIGHT?!" he yelled and they flinched then scattered. Nobody suspects him of being the exploding hero because of the mask. Dumbasses right? He looked back at Uraraka and sighed deeply but with anger. "Okay then! We'll just make it quick!" he told her and she lifted her head with lit eyes. "Yay! Come on!" she cheered and pulled his wrist, dragging him again. Through the whole day, she had to drag him to something she wanted.

They got on one of the boxes of the ferris wheel and sat silently. When they were high enough, Uraraka walked to the window and was amazed at the view. "The city looks so bright and beautiful!" she exclaims with brightly sparkling eyes, looking down on the city. "You've never been on a ferris wheel?" Bakugou asks. "Yeah, I've never been able to ride this much before. This day was great!" she says, still starring at the city. "Give me your phone," he bluntly says and she turns around. "What for?" she asks. "Just give it!" he demanded and she sighed.

Handing her phone to him, he turned it on and typed away. In a minute, he gave it back and she saw his number in her phone, but what made her giggle was his inputed name. "Explosion Murderer?" she asked. "Yeah so what?!" he yelled. "It doesn't suit you, I'll change it to Ashy Blondie," she says and changed it. "That doesn't fucking suit me!" he complained. "Too late, but why'd you put in your number?" she states. "So next time you're gonna come over to my place, you better text me before I blast your face off!" he replied and she found a good point there.

"So you mean I could come over?" she teased. "Whatever," was all he said and looked away. "Thank you though," she says in a whisper. "For what?" he asked. "For taking me out, it's been a long time since I last came here," Uraraka says and looks into his eyes. He blushed light pink and looked away to hide his embarrassment from her. Those big eyes of hers got him right there and he shook it off. "Whatever, the ride stopped, let's get off and fucking go home," he says as they exited the amusement park.

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