Date 2💕

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We entered the amusement park and I beamed immediately. I always loved the rides and games. There are so many to choose from. "Bakugou! Let's go to the-" I was saying when he dragged me. "Rollercoaster," he spoke. EH?! What?! I looked up at the ride and I felt my colors drain from my body and become a puddle underneath my feet. "What? You scared?" he asked with a grin. "Why do we have to do that?! No! Let's gonon something else!" I whined. He just pulled me into the FRONT SEAT without me noticing. I began to panic and squirm around but the belts were on and handle's in front of us. "Get ready to have fun round face!" he called out. I wanna cry!!! My hands gripped the handle so tight as we ascended to the top slowly. "Bakugou! Let me off right now! I don't wanna do this!" I screamed and he just laughed?!?!?!! Noooooooo!!!! I was at the verge of crying and held onto his sleeve. "Please let me off! Bakugou now! Let me off!" I yelled and he looked away. I just want to cry so badly. As the coaster fell from the high peak, I began screaming in fear and he just had fun. Wasn't I suppose to be the one to choose a ride as well?! He is being cruel today! I just gripped onto the handle as tight as I could, closing my eyes shut from the light. The wind hitting my face fiercely as it got faster and faster. I feel like puking right now.............

My legs are wobbly, as I got off the ride with my speed and went to the nearest tree to calm down. I held onto my chest as I felt my heart beating so fast. I am ready for a heart attack now. "That was so fun! I can't see why you had to scream that much!" Bakugou says while laughing as he aporoached me. I kept silent and clenched my fists. My eyes kept dripping tears as I remembered one of my terrible memories. I have trauma when it comes to roller coasters, I wish he'd notice it the moment I turned pale just looking at it. I never knew he could be insensible. "Round face? You giving me the silent treatment or something?" he asked and I can't hold myself anymore. I spun around and slapped him hard in the face. He was really shocked I would do that. "You are so insensible! I almost had a heart attack!" I yelled at him with my tears still falling. He just stared at me with those surprised eyes of his. Neither of us moved until I lowered my head.

"I was scared- no, I have trauma of roller coasters. When I was a kid, I accidentally activated my quirk and floated for some time in the air and then fell down on a roller coaster's rails. It was coming so fast, my body couldn't move. I wanted to jump but I was too high. My quirk can't even activate because of fear. I shut my eyes until I felt myself carried. I was rescued by a pro hero and he brought me back to my parents. Just the sight of one in real life again got me scared. I begged you to stop forcing me but you just laughed with the 'fun' we had," I say and silence overtook. People were too busy to notice us and I felt uncomfortable. "I'm just gonna go home if you have nothing else to say," I spoke and turned until I was hugged from behind. I got caught off guard and stayed still. "Okay this is really my fault. Fuck me for being so stupid. Let's go on with your choices then. I'm shit with this shit," he whispers into my ear and I blushed a bit.


"Ow! What the hell?!" he yelled in pain as I punched him hard in his tummy. "That's what you get for not listening to me!" I shouted back at him. "Why you," he says through gritted teeth. He seemed to calm down and sigh. "Fine I know this is my fault, punch me all you want," he says in annoyance. I crossed my arms and glared at him. "Next time, try to understand me first," I say. "Let's go to that arcade!" I say and dragged his arm. He rolls his eyes but nonetheless, goes on with me. When we entered, it was pretty dark. The lights are coming from lasers on the walls and the games. "What do you wanna play?" he asked bluntly. "Let's play Laser Tag!" I squealed and we went to the employee of the game..

We were given jackets with laser guns and I got poked on the shoulder. "Hope you're ready cuz I come here often and never lost a match," he says with pride and a smug look on his face. I smiled fiercely and held my gun tighter. "Ready as I'll ever be, bring it on!" I say. We both got in and separated to different parts.

"The game will start in 10 seconds" the speakers say and I went to hide. I was behind a wall when the bell rang loudly. I could see some AI walking around looking for us. I jumped out and with my martial arts techniques, successfully defeated 6 by now. "Contestant no. 2 defeats 5" the speakers say. I smiled happily until it spoke again. "Contestant no. 1 defeats 10." "You have to do better than that round face!" I heard his voice echo and I glared at my surroundings. More AIs came out and launched towards me. They began firing lasers and I ran towards them.

Activating my quirk, I touched the ground and they all floated mid air, giving me the chance to hit them all. Another 7 for me. And then 6 for Bakugou next. Oh it's so on! We kept fighting more AIs while I keep hearing his voice echo 'die' all the time. A hero who yells die huh? Funny.

I turned my back and then a bigger AI jumps in front of me. It raised it's fist and was about to punch me but I jumped away just in time. I ran back towards it and dodged the punch to the right and hit him on the back. Today is tiring. I stood and wiped my sweat off rhen rubbed my neck. Suddenly, I felt my jacket vibrate. "Got you" he says. I turned my head to see Bakugou with his victory smile on. "I win," he states. "No fair!" I yelled and threw the gun at him. "All's fair in Laser Tag," he says.


She walked out handing the gear back to the employee with a pouting red face. Haha, cute. I walked behind her and she glared at me. "What, don't blame me for being the best," I say whike putting up my hands in surrender. "Whatever!" she says and begins to walk away. "Wait up round face!" I yelled and ran towards her. She checked her watch and I noticed it was 3 pm. "What to do now?" I asked. "Buy me ice cream, the match was really tiring," she says while rubbing her right wrist. "No shit," I said and we headed towards an ice cream stand.

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