Getting Deku Back 2

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SORRY FOR UPDATING SO LATE. I had a lot going on at school and had not much time to write. So......... I also want to thank AmeliaVasquez9 and Bnavas27 for following me.

Honestly, I just wanna start with the part where Deku got everybody injured and was about to kill Uraraka when Bakugou arrived cuz I have no imagination on their plan failing.

Forgive me.

Ps: I just wanna finish this quickly to start a new fanfic of Bakuraraka ^^

"Ahahaahahaha!!! How pathetic you all are!!!" Deku says between his hysterical laughing. The forest was in burning ruins, the ground was filled with many craters and deep cracks, the dark skies filled with black smoke from the burning trees. Many pro heroes were everywhere, unconcious and injured with blood surrounding each body. Uraraka was barely standing on her feet, pamting deeply as she held her aching left arm.

Blood trails all over her body, scratches, bruises and pain. "Deku," she growled and Deku smiles happily at her, the threatening type of smile. "Huh? Still in your feet? How troublesome. As expected of the girl who chose my rival than me," he growls under his breath. What? She thought confused. What does he mean? "Well whatever, I don't care anymore," he says with a shrug and she grits her teeth. "Come at me! I will fight until death is in front of me!" she shouts with bravery. Some of her friends managed to be awake and hear her words.

They all want to stop her but their bodies felt paralyzed. Most of them muttered 'no's' and 'don't do it' as well as 'stop'. Even though she hears their pleas, even though she knows she'll die. It's okay enough that she'd die in the hands of her friend in the end. Though at the same time, she wants to fight on because Katsuki is waiting for her. Ha, who is she kidding? He probably heard the news about what is happening right now. "Just please don't come," she mumbles then charges at Deku. He rolls his eyes as he kicked her in the stomach making her cough out blood. She gets sent flying into a large tree then fall to the ground. Barely able to move her fingers.

She grunts in pain as he walked towards her with green glowing eyes. He bends down to her and lifts up her chin. "So fragile like always, I can see why you're a part of them, another piece of shit belonging to trash," he says and she glared at him the hardest she could in the moment. "P-please... S-stop...... C-come back a-already," she begged however he glared at her.

Lifting her up by the collar of her costume, she groans. "The hell are you saying? I don't know really, being a villain seems better don't you think?" he asks with an evil grin as he squeezes her bleeding arm. "Aaarrgh!" she screams loudly in pain. "That's the sweet sound of pleasure trash provide! That's the only thing I love!" Deku yells happily like a psycho. "I-it h-hurts!" she breathed out. "Of course it does! It hurts just like how it hurts seeing you all betray me!" he screams in anger and tightened his grip making her cry.

She struggles until he lets go of her and she falls to the ground. "Shut the hell up now!" he shouts and lifts his fist. She closed her eyes shut. "At least you could be safe," she mumbled and waited for the pain. Nothing. Opening her eyes and looking up, she saw none other than, you know who, Katsuki.

"Katsuki?!" she mumbled because her throat hurts really bad. "Fucking hell! I'll get back at you for everything after I deal with Deku!" he shouts as he managed to make Deku back away a good distance. "W-why are you here?" she asked him and he glares at her. "Shut up and let me handle this, you'll regret lying to me from the start," he threatens and she said nothing. "I won't regret anything," she says with a happy and relieved smile.

"Ugh, way to go to ruin the fun," he says as he rubs his neck in annoyance. Bakugou just looks back at Deku and grits his teeth. "I'll fucking make you pay!" he shouts but the green boy just smirks. "I have fucking paid you a lot in the past dammit! I can't believe you're still stuck up my ass!" Deku shouts and Bakugou's eyes widened at hearing him curse. "I will repay you for everything you did for me in the past," Deku says with a crazy grin, his eyes glowing in anger as he got ready to charge at him. "Bring it on you fucking parsley!" Bakugou shouts as he charged at him first.

The two rivals clenched their fists in their attempt to punch the other but punched each other's hand. Huge strong winds emerged that spread around them like waves. This made the two of them back away a little then charge at each other again. Their fight consisted of punche ls and kicks consisting of their quirks. With no energy, Uraraka helplessly watches them fight. She wanted them to stip however Bakugou needs to finish the fight.

It was until she felt someone's presence nearby. Looking behind, she could feel it come from behind a tree somewhere. Who else would be here in this dangerous place at this time? She felt determined enough to get up and follow the presence. Slowly, she walked through the trees and looked behind every tree she passed until she ventured deeper into the forest. The feeling was getting stronger as she peeked behind one last tree. She saw a young boy just sitting down on the ground. It was VERY unusual to see a kid here at this time of night. "Hey?" I asked cautiously.

He turned around and I gasped. It was the kid onthe paper that we needed to capture. "Get away from me!" he shouted and ran away. "Hey! Get back here!" I shouted ran after him. He was fast and I was slowing down because my body is weak at the moment. "Stop! You need to fix all this!" I shout out of breath and he just yells back. "It's not my fault! Blame your so-called 'No. 1 Hero'!" I gnashed my teeth as I feel myself almost collapsing. Looking next to me, I saw a boulder. This could be useful.

I touched it and activated my quirk, it floated and I punched it hard to make it mive towards the kid. Once it was a bit close, I released and it made him jump to the side but he crashed onto a tree. I made my way to him and he was hurt a bit but he really seemed weak to me. "This is enough already! Bring Deku back!" I shout in anger and he just glared at me. "You can't blame me! He took away my brother!" he shouts and I lowered my head.

"You never knew?" I mumbled as he replied with a 'huh'. "The time that he captured your brother, he was angered that he failed his plan. With that, he grabbed one of the police's gun and pointed it at his head, Deku was about to stop him but it was too late," I told him the cold truth. Glancing at his face, he seemed broken to pieces. "If you just... Bring Deku back, then you'll live a normal life. You've got a bright future ahead of you," I say with a small smile. I couldn't bring myself to just leave a child alone.

"That can't be true! He would never leave me!" he shouts as he cries. This breaks me, I know that something like this is too much for him. Even though he's villain, he deserves a happy life. "Stop crying. We promise to give you a better life if you stop everything," I plead and he looks up to me. "B-big.... B-brother......Wooo," he cries as he suddenly hugs me and buries his face on my shoulders. I felt stunned at this sudden contact. "Shhhh," I hushed and rubbed his back to relax him.

He just cried then he relaxed. I felt relieved that I didn't have to badly hurt a child. I can't bear to do it. With this, I carried him back with me towards the fighting quickly. When I got there, I saw Katsuki barely standing and his breathing didn't seem normal. "Katsuki!" I shouted and ran to him. Beside him was Deku who passed out. "I fucking win," he mumbles then falls to the ground. Guess he's tired too. I just smiled as I bent down to carress his cheek. Looking to Deku, tears rolled down my face. But I was hapoy because everything is solved.

With this, I heard sirens approaching and I just kept smiling happily until the end.

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