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The next morning, the sun's rays hits our zero gravity hero's face. She groans and rubs her eyes to meet with the light. Turning to her side, she didn't see anyone. When she faced the ceiling, she yawned and wiped the little tears in the corner of her right eye. "Morning cheeks," a familiar voice calls out and Ochaco turns her face to see Katsuki already dressed sitting on the edge of the bed. "You gonna get up and cover yourself or what?" he asks with a smirk. She was confused until she looked under her, she was topless and this made her blush. "Wha?!" she shouts as she sits up, holding the blanket to cover her bare chest. "What happened?!" she asks and Bakugou smirked. "Nothing much. I told you I'd wait," he says and stands up. "Get yourself ready, I'm going down," he states then gets out of  the room. Ochaco just blushed as she was too surprised to move. Finally, after a few minutes, she got up and headed to the bathroom. Her clothes from yesterday were neatly folded on top of the sink and she sighed. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw a lot of hickeys everywhere around her chest are, neck and collar bone. "Oh my goodness!" she screamed softly as she noticed that they are deep and a lot. "How am I gonna cover them?!" she asked herself, knowing that her neck area will be exposed with her shirt on. "Ah! I'll just wear one of his scarfs!" she happily thought then proceeded to clean herself.

After her usual morning routine, she went downstairs, wearing his red scarf that felt warm the moment she wore it. "Good morning everyone," she says with a cheerful tone and waved. "Good morning dear," Mitsuki says while cooking breakfast. "Morning Uraraka," Masaru states with a smile before turning his attention back to the book. Seriously, all this guy does is read. "Morning angel face," Bakugou bluntly says as he stared at her. She looked away with a hint of a blush while he smirked.

"Breakfast is served!" Mitsuki called and they all proceeded to the table. The meal was just the usual chatter with normal things like the news, ideas for the upcoming christmas and others. Soon, it was 8 am already. Bakugou and Uraraka were at the door as she was giving her goodbyes to Mitsuki and Masaru. Bakugou got annoyed so he grabbed her wrist and dragged her away in confusion. He felt his mother's glare behind his back but he could care less. Once they were out of his sight, he lets go of her. "Hey! Why did you have to drag me?!" Uraraka asks with a pout. "You take so damn long so say your damn goodbyes," he answers as he looked at her. "At least just tell me," she says and looks ahead.

It was a comfortable silent walk back to the city until Uraraka felt his gaze towards her. She felt anxious and didn't know what to do. "Why you wearing my scarf huh?" he asks. She turned to glare at him. "It's your fault anyway!" she told him. "How is it my fault?!" he asks with a bit of anger. "U-uh..... umm....," she was looking for the right words to say but nothing came to her mind. "It's your fault," he bluntly said making her snap out of her thoughts. "Me?!" she yelled while pointing at herself.

"If you knew how to fight back in that situation, you wouldn't have a lot of hickeys right now," he says with a smirk as she looked away. "It's either you didn't know how to fight or that you actually wanted it," he whispered, bending down to her ear. She turned reddder and glared at him. "Shut up already!" she whined and began to punch him lightly which he didn't mind. He found it cute seeing her all mad and angry. They then continued on with silence until they reached the city.


They were at the front of Ochaco's apartment building. "I could say I had a lot of fun with your parents Katsuki," she happily says and he rills his eyes. "That's because I was there stupid," he tells her. "Whatever, well, I have to get some rest for tonight's shift. Thanks for everything," she says then turns but felt a hand on her wrist making her turn. "You still haven't told me your answer," he says in a serious tone. "Answer what?" she asks in confusion. "Forget it. I won't be taking a no for an answer anyway," he states and hugs her. "You are my fucking girlfriend," he whispers into her ear and she blushes. The greater and better hero than her wants her to be his girlfriend? At the moment, she smiled so happily as she hugged him back. Bakugou had been there for her all the time just as she was for him. Thinking about it, just the one meeting after a whole year already got them together. Even in high school, they weren't that close at all. Just classmates.

"I feel honored and happy," she whispers making him blush a bit and hugged her tighter. "You are with the best now after all," he says in his victorious tone. He lets go and kisses her forehead. This was a new thing he had ever did to her. "You're mine now, remember that," he says while looking into her eyes. "I already know that," she says with a smile and kissed his cheek as well making him blush. "Yeah whatever, go in and sleep your ass off already," he says then leaves in a hurry making her giggle.

"I love you so much," she mumbled then entered her apartment building going straight to her room and take a nap.


Bakugou went straight towards his agency and took his original seat there. It was pretty silent as he waited for anything to happen. 30 minutes passed until an employee came and gave him a file. Bakugou opened it and it said that he had to go and capture a villain in the outskirts of the city as well as saving the man held hostage. This seemed easy to him so he accepted. Going to his changing room, he wore his hero clothes then exited the place. Time passed and he was now in the outskirts, lots of old and tall buildings falling apart surrounded him and he can't help but feel something strange.

He went on walking in silence, thinking about the villain's motives. Being in this place could mean that he'd have set an ambush. Turning a corner, he felt something flying towards him so he jumped and flipped. It crashed into the building in front of him making it fall to the ground letting dust fly everywhere. It was a bit hard for him to see clearly. "Whoever the fuck is out there! Get your ass out now!" he yelled in anger as he looked around.

A figure flew towards him and tried to land a punch but he easily dodged and punched the man in the face. "That all you got?!" he asks as he did an explosion and it got him. The figure fell to the ground passed out and Bakugou moved towards it. He rolled his eyes and turned around. Suddenly, he felt something inject in his leg making him flinch and groan as he turned around and saw the man with a syringe in hand. "Die you bastard!" Bakugou yelled and sets off another explosion making the man die completely. He bent down and took it out if his leg and threw it somewhere.

That being done, he slowly began to feel dizzy and his vision was getting blurry. "What the hell was in that syringe?!" he thought as he felt his body go weaker and weaker by the minute. That was the time 20 or more men jumped out from everywhere surrounding him. Bakugou began to curse himself for being careless and less alert at the moment. The men moved towards him all at once and he again cursed. With the strength he had left, he lifted his right arm and held onto the pin if his grenade. "Stun grenade you assholes!" he shouted and released a big amount of explosions everywhere making himself close his eyes due to the bright light.

He felt silence envelope him and he kept taking in deep breaths as he looked around. His body was still weak and his eyes were getting tired. "Now I fucking know how Eraser head feels," he mumbled and squinted his eyes. "What the hell is really happening here?!" he asked in his mind. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly fainted by a hit on the back of his neck. Bakugou fell to the ground with closed eyes and steady breathing as the tall man behind him wore a smile on his face.

"Now I can have my sweet revenge," he stated and laughed hysterically.

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