Bath Me

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"Hush, you're gonna wake them up,"

"Stop doing that, it's inappropriate,"

"But they're so cute,"

"Shouldn't he be chained up?"

"Guys, we should wake them up,"

Ugh. My head hurts as I groaned because of a fucking headache. "So noisy, dammit," I mumbled as I rubbed my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and saw lots of faces staring at me. "Huh?" I asked as I tried to get up but my body still felt heavy. "Uh, he's awake," someone said. "What should we do?" another spoke. "What about Uraraka?" "Hush, do you wanna die?" "Unfair, he got to sleep and cuddle with a girl," I have had it. "Damn you all!" I shouted as I sat up in lightning speed. I don't wanna get up but the noises are so damn loud! "Gah! He's awake," they all said at the same time in surprise.

I rubbed my eyes and got my vision back. "The hell you all doing here?!" I yelled in anger. "Ah? We all came here to check up on you but...." Pikachu spoke but shifted his eyes to my side. "Hah?! What the fuck does that mean?!" I yelled. I'm just so pissed but my body is still too tired. What the fuck had been happening to me? "Bakugou calm down, dude," Shitty hair said holding his arms up. "How can I when you're all being so damn annoying?!" I shouted. I was about to get up even if I'm tired to beat the shit out of them all when I felt someone lay their head on my shoulder. "Katsuki.... Don't wake up in the morning and start yelling," the sweet voice spoke sleepily. "Huh?" I turned my head to the side to see Ochaco leaning on my shoulder. She sighed and sat up with her eyes half open, holding my cheeks with her palms and spoke like a drunk woman. "I said goodmorning Katsuki~" she says then giggled. I felt my face heat up but I then heard snickers and chuckles.

A tic mark appeared on my head as I just grit my teeth in anger. "You all should be thankful you're damn lucky today. But I'll get you all back for this," I warned them and they gulped except icyhot and birdie. "Ochaco, wake the fuck up. You forgot to fucking wake me up dammit," I say in annoyance when her head perks up. "Waaah?!?!! I'm so sorry, I-I think I overslept!" she says while bowing down and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, now get off me," I say and she nods.

She got up and I followed but gravity began its magic on me. I groaned as I leaned against the wall standing up. "Why the hell am I all messed up?" I asked in a low growl. "Things happened..." Big boobs answered. "Hah?" I asked completely confused. "Bakugou, we all need to discuss things. After you freshen up, meet us here and we'll talk," Four eyes says while karate chopping nothing. "Yeah, whatever," I say and began to walk towards the damn door. "I'll help you Katsuki," mochi face says and I sighed. "Fine, but only because I need it," I say and she nods.

When we closed the door behind us, I could already hear whispers about us. Like hell will I give a damn anymore. Fine by me if they knew or figure it out. I'm sure Ochaco won't mind. "We need to got you to a bath then fix your wounds," she says and I nodded. I had my arm around her shoulders as she held it while the other held my waist. We walked along the hallways until we reached a small room enough for 2. She sets me down and sighed deeply while stretching her arms. "Wah, you are so heavy Katsuki, how come?" she complains and I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'm not fat. It's muscle weight," I say. "Sure, I will go to prepare your bath okay?" she states then enters the bathroom after I nodded. I could hear the water flow as I just sat down doing nothing.

She came out right after and sat beside me. "It will fill up in a few minutes," she says and lays down on her back. "Hey....... Did things happen so badly?" I asked. I feel kind of.... bad about things that I don't even know about. But I could tell from all their looks earlier.... They seemed worried and scared. Not the normally scared of me type but really scared? Did things happen so badly that I see eye bags under Ochaco's eyes? "Huh? Well..... Y-yeah I guess," she answers lowly, she hesitated to answer me alright. "But everything is okay now! You came back to normal," she says and I lowered my head. "I know some things happened so badly, you lie so badly all the time," I say in a bitter tone. "Huh?" she asks as if she didn't hear me.

"Well whatever, I just wanted to burst your bubble," I state. "Also, where the hell is shitty Deku?" I asked with more bittery taste in my mouth. Just saying his name makes me sour. "T-that's the problem right now," she answered as she sat up. "What the hell do you mean?" I asked and she sighed. "I don't wanna talk to you alone about this. Let's get you ready so we'll go back to them," she says and I just nodded. I could sense she feels uncomfortable about this. "The water's almost filling up. You should go take your bath," she says and I smirked. I'm in the mood for teasing her. I moved close to her face and she blushed pink at this closure. "But I am tired and hurting right now, bath me will ya?" I asked and her face turned redder. "W-What are you t-talking about?!" she yelped as she pushed my face away. "Oi! Dammit, that hurt you know?" I state in annoyance but it didn't, hehe. "Ahh! Sorry," she apologized. "Oi, just bathe me already, the extras are waiting for forever," I say and she looks away.

"I-I g-guess I could s-since y-you're hurt," she says bashfully while playing with her fingers. I just wanna laugh right now, but I am kinda enjoying this. "Then hurry up," I say as I stood up and pulled her into the bathroom. "Go ahead and take off my shirt," I say and she looked down embarrassed with a pink blush on her mochi face. "O-okay," she whispered and pulled my shirt up slowly then got if off my head. I smirked at her surprised reaction. "What? You've never seen a guy's body this close?" I asked and she pouted. "Yes I have," she says proudly and I narrowed my eyes. "What? Who is the guy?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever, now let me get the soap," she says and grabs it. I have a mental note to ask her soon.

I waited for a while but she hasn't touched me yet. "What the hell? We're taking too long, hurry the fuck up," I complained, honestly, I an getting impatient. "S-sure, hold on," she says and slowly rubs the soap against my arms. "Ha, where did your confidence go huh?" I asked with a smirk and she just pouted. "Whatever," she says and continued. After applying soap on me, I got in the tub and washed myself but I flinched at the sudden pain. My wounds are still open so it hurts. "Damn," I muttered. She stood in front of me and puts shampoo on my head.

She gently rubs my head all over to spread the bubbles and I relaxed by her touch. Damn, it feels good every time she ruffles my hair. I feel like a cat now. "Okay, we're almost done," she says and I just hummed. I'm really tired but I need to know everything that happened. There is something wrong and their faces don't say otherwise. After rinsing, she gets a towel and sits me on a stool so she could easily dry me. I just waited until she's done. After drying me, she says, "Let's go to the bed so I'll clean your wounds and cover them." I oblidged just because they hurt like hell. She gave me some clean pants and underwear then got out first so I could wear them.

I went out of the bathroom and I sat on the bed as she got the first aid kit. She poured out something on her hand and squeezed it with her other. "This might hurt a bit," she says and I tched. She rubs it on my wounds and I bit my lip. Damn this shit. It hurt like hell. She quickly covered my wounds and bandaged them. I feel a bit better then she gives me a shirt so I wore it. I look like I just woke up with these clothes on. Whatever.

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