What Do We Have Here? (revised)

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It's mid-summer and sweat is dripping down my back. The sun is shining and I'm slowly becoming exhausted. I really didn't expect practicing the same routines everyday for training could be so boring. The coach keeps shouting out the same moves over and over, so I zone out without even realizing it.

"You were meant to roll right Rouge!" The coach shouts angerly. He then snaps his fingers in my face, "Goddamitt Rouge! Are you even listening?" He asks me.

My face reddens in embarrassment and I quickly reply, "Sorry sir I didn't hear you?"

He just looks at me and growls under his breath, "Didn't hear me. What kind of excuse is that?" The coach then clears his throat and looks me dead in the eye, "Look kid you're done for the day. Go hit the showers."

Sighing in embarrassment, I hang my head low and make my way to the showers. I feel stupid for not paying attention, but I've done the same routine for forever and I'm positive even the pups can do it by now. Maybe, I can convince Mark to let me do some type of extra patrol instead of training. At least then I could be doing something interesting.

I enter the door and notice how dark it is in the room. The light is all the way over next to the lockers though and I just don't feel like walking that far. I make my way to the showers in the dark, I know the way by now, so I have no problem getting there.

I huff in annoyance as I turn on the water. I give it time to warm up and strip to enter the shower. The water cascades down, releasing the tension in my back. I start to wash my hair and notice how some of my brown strands have faded back to white. I will have to dye it again soon, but until then I hope no one notices.

It's ironic how this pack is most famous for its loyalty, yet the alpha forces me to hide who I am. It's understandable though and the rules are not that hard to follow. The list is permanently engraved into my mind.

Rule 1: No harming other members of the pack.

Rule 2: Your appearance must be hidden at all times.

Rule 3: You will stay a rouge under our protection until your 18th year.

I repeat this mantra in my head as I shower. I feel isolated from the pack, but I realize all I need is to be patient. I continue this train of thought for awhile longer until I hear something.

It sounded like something fell close by. That can't be right though because I'm the only one here. I quickly get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. Peering over the side of the mirrored wall I see a small area of light. Some kids must have wanted to pull another prank on me, but I won't let them this time. I try to spot how many there are, but my lazy bum never turned the lights on.

My only choice is to sneak up on them. I look around and can't find a way to get to them without being spotted. Then I look up and see how there is a fairly large gap between the locker tops and the ceiling. I can't climb up their metal frames, so I step back and jump. I land silently on top of the lockers but bang my head on the ceiling. I cursed under my breathe and crouched down. Time to make my way over to the kids.

I jump down right in front of the light, ready to give the kids a piece of my mind. However, it wasn't who I expected it to be.

"Johnathan Mellor! Why in the third moon are you even in here?" I shout at him.

He jumps up startled and drops the light source he was carrying. He lunges for it and I snatch it. Turns out he was using a phone, but the screen now has a crack running down the center. I ignore him when he asks for it back and look through the gallery he has open.

Hundreds of photos of pack members in various stages of undressing fill the gallery. The most recent ones are of me in the shower. I look over and see Johnathan trying to sneak off through the door. I let out a low growl and he freezes.

"Where do you think youre going?" I ask him in an overly sweet tone.

His eyes widen and he begins to mumble out excuses, "Nowhere! I was just trying to give you some privacy." He finally says.

I laugh and grab him, slamming him into the wall so hard pieces of the brick chip off. "Privacy huh? Do you honestly think taking photos is giving us privacy?" I ask.

Johnathan whimpers and shakes his head no. This only makes me angrier.

"Then why," I ask with anger lacing my voice, "are you taking them." I drop him and he thuds on the ground.

He slowly gets up and rubs his head, wincing. "I was selling them to other packs and to any unmated wolf who would pay." He replies.

My eyes glaze over and he tries to back up, afraid for his life. I manage to calm down and walk towards him. I bend down and grab a fistful of hair, "Me and you have a meeting with the Alpha it seems."

I pull him up and drag him outside towards the pack house. A few pack members glance my way or give me dirty looks. I ignore them though and continue dragging Johnathan to the pack house. We make it to the front door before anyone stops us.

I let go of Johnathan and stare at the blond idiot blocking the door frame. "Move out of the way David." I glare up at his smirk.

He just laughs and continues to block the door with his bulky frame. "Why should I? It's not my fault you like playing sheriff little rouge." David then looks down at Johnathan who is still on the floor. "What did he do anyway?"

I reply with a smirk of my own, "Come along and find out."

David laughs and moves from the door to give me room to drag Johnathan up the stairs to the second floor. He follows me as I knock on Marks door and told to come in.

Alpha Mark sits behind his desk filling out stacks of papers. He doesn't look up when I enter. I stand in front of his desk waiting on him to acknowledge me. Soon he looks up and gives a curious glance at Johnathan.

I bow my head in respect until he nods for me to speak. "Johnathan has been collecting photos of our pack members and selling them." I pause for a moment and take the SD out from the phone in my hand. I crush the phone and lay the chip on Mark's desk. "I caught him when he was stupid enough to take some of me in the shower."

From behind me I heard David whistle and laugh, "Really Johnathan? Did you get any good ones?"

I turn around and glare at David and he turns his hands up in surrender. "I was just joking!"

Mark begins to speak before I can reply. "Thank you for catching him Isabella. Ill make sure to punish him appropriately." He pauses and looks at me in the eyes. "For now though, I'll destroy all the photos and warn the pack members what has happened."

I nod my head, "Yes Alpha."

Mark smiles, "You can go now Isabella."

I turn to leave but stop when he begins to speak again, "Oh and Rouge, You may want to get dressed."

I looked down puzzled and realize that Im still in a towel. My face turns red and I mumble out, "Yes Alpha, " Before I run out the room. I can hear David laughing behind me.

I ignore it though and head to the third floor where my bedroom is.

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