Remind Me Why... (revised)

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I quickly run to my room and shut the door. It's embarrassing the be caught almost nude, but it isn't a big deal considering when werewolves shift back, they're nude. With this is mind, I calm down and go to my closet to get dressed.

I throw on shorts and a tank top and leave my room. I head down the stairs and stop on the Alphas floor. I want to go check on them to see what the punishment is, but I trust the Alpha and won't. I make my way to the main floor and see pack members lounging around. Some of them glance at me and I notice their eyes flash that beautiful blue that I cant mimic.

I wish I could understand what they're saying to one another, but I'm still that rouge they took mercy on. That's the downside of not having a pack link I guess.

I quickly make my way outside to get my stuff from the training shower room. I enter the building and notice the giant crack in the wall when I turn on the light. I groan in annoyance and try to shift the lockers over. I hope no one notices, but there's nothing more I can do to fix it.

I head to the shower room once again and grab my dirty clothes and hygiene supplies. I look around one more time to make sure I didn't leave anything and head back to the pack house. I keep my head low as I make my way to my room and close the door.

With a sigh, I put everything away and glance at the clock. It's 1:10 and about time for my guard shift.

I leave my room once again and head outside. It's late in the evening and fall, yet the weather feels amazing. The breeze is warm, and everyone seems to be relaxed. The children are running around laughing, while their mothers' watch from the benches set out along the grounds. Even the warriors seem to be in a good mood as they stand guard at their post.

It's so close to the fall moon festival, so that may be the reason everyone is in good spirits. Considering it's late fall, an outsider would expect it to be cold. Since we're in the middle of the enchanted Freya forest, it's never cold. It does make me miss the cool mountain ranges I grew up on though. A sense of longing fills me, but I shake it off.

"I cant think like that." I say to myself as I go to my post. I relieve the guard of his duty and he ignores me as he leaves.

It's so peaceful today and I lay my head against the rough bark of an elm. I close my eyes and open the rest of my senses to the world. I can hear the heartbeats around me and smell the strong scent of a deer heard a few miles from the grounds. I trust my overpowered senses to warn me of anything as I dose off. Mark would kill anyone but me to rest on the job, yet we both know I'm not normal. With this in mind, I allow the breeze to lure me to sleep.

The snap of a twig tears me from my sleep. I tense up and hear a heartbeat in the woods across from me. I notice how no one else seems to be worried from the noise, but I still go to investigate.

I scan the woods and see nothing. As I walk closer though, something jumps on me and I fall to the ground. Dirt flies up from the impact and gets into my eyes, momentarily blinding me. I manage to grab a fistful of their hair though and begin to fight back. We brawl for a few minutes, but it seems my attacker isn't actually hurting me. I'm still blinded by the dirt as my eyes water. I manage to pin them to the ground eventually and pull my hand back to knock them out. Then a sudden gust of wind blows, and a familiar scent fills my nose. The smell of old parchment and musky wood trails sparks recognition of someone I know. I allow my arms to go slack and he flips me over to pin me to the ground.

I laugh and rub my eyes, "Samuel seriously!" I yell in frustration.

Samuel brushes the hair from my face and peers into my eyes. I can see my reflection in his brown eyes that always remind me of fallen leaves. He starts to chuckle and leans down to kiss me.

I refuse to let him win though. I use his weight to flip us over and straddle him.

"Now, where have you been?" I ask.

His eyes scrunch up and he sighs, "Pack business Isabella. You know I can't say."

I feel like I have butterflies inside of me when he says my name. I can feel my face darken, so I get off of him and pout.

" I missed you Sam."

He looks stunned for a moment but replies, "Ive missed you too." He then stands up and grabs me, bringing me towards him. He kisses me on the lips and tells me he must see Mark.

"Why do you have to see Mark?" I ask.

He rubs his face, "All I can say is that there's a new pack settled close to us and they're not what I would call hospitable."

I nod my head in understanding. He sidesteps me and walks towards the three-story house.

Six hours later, I'm gazing up at the full moons. The largest moon is high in the sky while her sister hides to the left of her. During the festival, the blood moon will rest between the two and complete the Heavens Crown.

I look away and try to spot the wolf who will trade places with me for the night. I hear his paws hit the soil as he makes his way from the pack house. Sighing, I turn around and see a red timber wolf glaring at me. His yellow eyes flash blue for a second. This is to warn me and to send a message to the Alpha that his patrol has started. I bow my head to show I'm no threat and he walks to where I was laying.

I take this as a sign to leave and head towards the pack house. I make it to the door and glance back one more time to gaze into the woods. As I open the screen door, I am greeted by a chorus of laughter. I shy away for a moment, still not use to being around so many people at once. A few notice when I flinch and snicker, other give me vague looks of pity.

They say they've accepted me as one of their own, yet mistrust is in almost everyone of their eyes. Some flash blue to speak to others and I try to not notice. I hold my head up high, refusing to be mocked, as I make my way up the stairs. They all look away, bored with me now, and continue with their conversations.

I make it to the third-floor stairs before I run into someone.

"What do you want now David?"

He gives me one of his signature smirks and says, "Just though you'd wanna know what happened to Johnathan."

I sigh, too tired to deal with this, but curiosity wins. "Alright, spill what happened."

He gets out of my way so I can walk up the stairs and tells me that Johnathan has far border patrol for this rest of his life. I smile as I make my way up the stairs and shout thanks before entering my room.

I close my door and lock it. Then immediately fall into bed. I hear a knock a few minutes later and groan.

"Go away David! I'm too tired to deal with your smartass."

I hear a chuckle from behind the door, "Well I'll just go then."

I jump from my bed and yank the door open. "Oh no. You're not just going." I say as I pull Sam into my room.

He feigns being hurt and smiles, pulling me into a hug. He takes a deep breath and that's when I remember I haven't taken a shower since training. I lean back out of his grasp.

"Babe, I love you, but I would love a shower more right now." I turn around and head towards my bathroom, "You stay here and I'll be out in a second."

He puts his hand on his chest offended, "You'd choose a shower over me? I think you just hurt my feelings." Samuel pouts for a second and then lays on my bed. "Wake me up when you get out."

I laugh and make my way towards the bathroom. I go to strip and catch my reflection in the mirror. My hair is noticeably whiter. I rummage through my cabinet looking for dye. When I find it,I put it in my hair and wait. It took way too long for the dye to settle, but when it did, I quickly rinsed off in the shower.

I change into whatever clothes I have laying around that are clean and quietly open the bathroom door. Samuel is sound asleep, and I feel guilty for taking so long. I don't wake him up and go to my side of the bed. I manage to get some cover out from under his sleeping form. Then I cuddle up against him and drift off to sleep.

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