Major Disaster

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The next few weeks went by in a blur. I spent most of my time with Sam or hung out with Michelle and her new friend Alice. It's now three days before my birthday and I already feel miserable. Michelle and I came to an agreement earlier today and she is now ready to decorate her half of our room.

We've moved my bed over towards the wall directly across from my closet and used the bathroom door as a marker to who's half is who's. Michelle has the half with the window, and I have the closet and front door. Michelle has invited Alice over to decorate her side of the room, much to my dismay.

They both glare at me when I burst out laughing from their fifth failed attempt at hanging up fairy lights. I look over to Alice with the most serious expression I can muster. Her nose twitches a slight bit and she begins to laugh too.

"Alice! You're meant to be helping me, not laughing at me." Michelle says frustrated.

This makes Alice laugh harder, so Michelle takes the lights from her. With her pride slightly ruined, Michelle quickly flutters to the ceiling to hang them herself. However, I don't think any of us took her small size into account. She hung just one strand up before they all came crashing down on her.

The small girl unburies herself from the pile of cords and huffed in annoyance. She flies over to me and I back up just a bit.

"Don't be like that." Michelle says with her arms crossed. "Can't you help us Isabella? You said you'd do whatever it takes to make me comfortable."

Michelle guilt tripping me seems to work. She smiles knowing that she's won yet again. I roll off the bed and I suddenly feel nauseated. I ignore it though and grab one end of the lights while Alice grabs the other. We hold each end up along the wall and wait for Michelle to place them on the hooks.

Once we were done, I lay on the bed and watch as Alice plugs in the lights and turns them on. The twinkling lights are prettier than I expected. They cast a soft pink glow along the grey walls. Michelle sits along the window, smiling in joy. I then glance over towards Alice. I've only known her for a couple of days, but she seems trustworthy. I give her a quick smile when she meets my eyes. Her cat-like pupils glow a faint green as her night vision kicks in. This enhances the already clear markings along her face, announcing her claim as a werecat.

We stay like this for a while longer, listening to Michelle plan out the rest of her room. I smile as she talks but soon it becomes hard to listen because of my discomfort. My vision fades in and out while warmth begins to spread throughout each part of my body. Fire courses through my veins and I try not to scream in pain.

I fall off the bed and can hear Michelle shouting, asking what's wrong.

"She's changing, but it's too early." Alice tells her.

I try to tell them to run, but I can only gasp for air.

"Quick go get Mark. I'll try to stall her till he comes."

That's the last thing I understand before everything fades.

My bones begin to break and shift into different places. Growls replace my screams and then all the pain fades. My paws shred the soft fabric surrounding me. I panic in confusion and search for a way out. I spot the open door and notice the woman between me and my escape.

I lunge at the woman to get her out of my way, but my head slams into the wall as she evades me. I shake my head and turn to face her. Instead of a woman, a large cougar stands in my way now. I crouch down with my hackles raised in warning.

Its eyes change from green to blue as it crouches in response.

"Isabella stop!" A voice in my head shouts.

I shake my head, trying to clear the voice from my thoughts. Who's Isabella? I ask myself, but don't really care to find an answer to that question.

My snout pulls back into a snarl. Warning the cougar once more to move. She doesn't listen though, so I lunge at her. The cougar flattens herself and I soar past her. She grabs my tail causing me to slam into a desk. I lay there for a moment stunned and she takes that moment to climb on top of me.

She roars at me to submit and I growl in response. Fury courses through my veins now and all I can see is red. I press my hind legs into her stomach and kick her off me. She slams into a wall and I go in for the kill.

My vison clouds for a moment as I prepare to rip out her throat and another voice shouts inside my skull. "Stop this! She's your friend." The voice seems too familiar and it scares me. I calm down and look for the way out.

The cougar seems to be knocked out, so I change my mind and escape through the door. I'm still trapped though, until I notice how there's a way down. I jump from the balcony and land on the first floor. The front door slams open and I take this as my chance to escape. What I didnt see however, was the large man blocking the door.

He grabs me by my fur and slams me back against the wall. I whimper in pain from the impact but shake it off.

"Come on Rouge. Don't make me hurt you." The large man says to me. "We both know you aren't gonna win this."

I snarl at him and he laughs. His eyes flash blue for a moment and he pauses.

"We're just gonna have to settle this later Rouge." The man tells me. "The Alpha wants to see you." He then moves away from the door and waits.

I take this as my moment to escape. I run out the front door and get assaulted from the scents around me. I stand there for a moment once again stunned until I get knocked down.

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