Hello There?

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I'm running through the woods with underbrush scraping against my legs. Rocks dig into my feet and twigs yank at my hair as I try to find a place to hide. Everything is on fire and I'm struggling to breathe from the smoke.

I'm scared but can't turn back. My family is gone now and it's all my fault. Tears fall down my face as I run even faster. I trip on a log and tumble down until I splash into a small creak. I see my reflection in the water. Scarlet red eyes framed by white hair stare back at the 12-year-old me. I'm covered in soot and twigs are caught in my hair., but there's no time to fix it. I try to get up and gasp in pain. My vision wavers and I fall back down. My back splashes into the water once again and I stare at the sky. Heavens Crown lights the sky and I smile though the pain. I feel nothing and my vison begins to fade.

I lay there for what felt like hours, but in reality, was only minutes. Hearing growling, I cry out, "I didn't mean to!" I cry for mercy and see a glint of blue. Relief rushes through me and exhaustion soon takes me.

I wake up in a panic, the vivid memories always seem to haunt me. I accidently wake up Sam and he soothes me until I fall back asleep.

I awake to the mid-day sun shining straight in my eyes. Groaning, I roll over to cuddle Sam, but am greeted to an empty bed. It wasn't surprising, so I turn back over to sleep. I then remembered that I have training today.

I jump out of bed and rush towards the door. I open it and pause. I'm still in my pjs, so I turn around and find anything to change into. Once I find some jogging shorts and a shirt laying in the floor, I change and rush out my door.

My bare feet jump over the railing and I land on the first floor. I open the door and run out before anyone could get onto me. Five minutes later, I am greeted with a pleasant scowl from the coach.

"You're late." The coach says while eying me from head to toe. "Next time you decide to sleep in and be late, you better have shoes on."

I look down and notice how I'm still bare foot and give a small smile, "Sorry coach. I just wanted to be down to earth today I guess." I said with a shrug.

He gives me a black stare and laughs, "Real funny Rouge. Since you want the be a comedian today, let's spice thing up."

I'm confused but don't say anything as he gives me a list of instructions. The task is simple and he leaves so I can start.

Ten minutes later, I'm jogging through the woods. I dash around trees and jump over fallen logs as I chase after a small Will-o-wisp. The little ball of light has me going in circles and giggles every time I run into something. We head further into the woods and I start to get fed up with the Fae.

"Alright! Slow down and let me catch you and I promise I'll find you something good to eat when we get back."

The small Fae stops flying and waits for me to catch up. I go to grab the little ball of yellow light and it immediately flies away from my grasp.

"That's just mean." I say to the will-o-wisp and it giggles again. I stay still and wait for it to fly close. It slowly makes its way towards me again, thinking I gave up. When it gets close enough to me, I pounce and catch it.

I smile triumphally and release the Fae, "I win!"

The Fae has no choice but to follow me now since I caught It. We begin the head back, but the forest has gone silent. The light fades away from everything except the will-o-wisp, so I grab it and smother its light with my hand. Something is wrong but I dont know why.

A hundred pictures and ideas flow through my head. I begin to panic that they've found me. I try to calm down and breathe through my nose. Every scent is gone from the woods except for two. I can smell the pine scent of the pack and something else. It smells of Sulphur and causes my nose to burn.

I crouch down and focus on following the pack's scent. I silently make my way through the woods hoping not to get caught. I make it far enough away that the sounds and smells have returned to the woods.

I open my hands to release the will-o-wisp and look down. Nestled in the palm of my hands is a small girl no bigger than my pinkie. A yellow glow surrounds her, and her face is covered in what looks like sparkling dust. I accidently drop her and she lands on the ground.

She wakes up and looks at me. "What did you do that for? First you smother me and now you drop me!" She then disappears and I hear her voice from behind me.

I turn around and see the little girl standing on a leaf with her hands on her hips. I stand there in shock as she rambles about how bad I am. Finally, I get tired of the ranting and tell her to be quiet.

Realizing I shouldn't have yelled, I try to start over. "Look, I didn't mean to drop you and I certainly didn't know you could change forms."

Her eyebrows raise and her face changes from anger to annoyance. "Dude, that seriously gave you no right to drop me. I could've been hurt." She then turns away from me and pouts.

Sighing, I hold my hand out to her. "Let's try this again. Hello, I'm Isabella and I am sorry for hurting you."

The Fae flips her hair, "I'm Michelle." She then walks onto my hand and I take that as I'm forgiven.

I place Michelle on my shoulder and tell her to hold on as I run back to the pack house. She doesn't say anything on the way back and it's dark before I make it home.

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