Breaking and Entering

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I have been traveling for days now and am lost. I can smell a town nearby, but I have nothing to change into if I shift and I really don't want to get arrested, so going to town isn't an option right now. Even if I did have clothes, it's not like I can risk going into town. I can't get near anyone until I learn to control myself.

With this in mind, I pick up the speed and run past the town into the forest beyond it. After three more hours of aimless running, I realize I must find out where I am. This means I need clothes, so I sniff the air for the scent of humans and follow it. The trail leads me into a small clearing with a two story house in the center.

I pause at the edge of the woods and inspect the house's surroundings. There's no car in sight and the lights are off, so I'm pretty sure no one is home. I slowly creep my way towards the house and look for a way in. The front door is locked up and I don't want to risk getting caught by breaking it. I make my way to the back of the house and notice how the roof is slanted at an angle. It flattens out leading to the second story windows to make a roof above each. I take my time looking at the windows, debating if breaking one would be too risky, that's when I notice how there is a window cracked open.

I smile at my luck and look for a way up. There's nothing to climb and the walls are too smooth to create foot holds, so I have no choice but the shift. I feel my bones crack and my vison clouds in pain, it's not as bad as before though so I manage to stay awake. I change back and feel the cool wind caress my skin and shiver. My legs wobble for a second and I take my time getting use to being me again. Then I step back and pray that no one spots me as I jump. I just barely manage to grab hold of the window seal. I pull myself up enough to push the window open and roll inside, groaning in annoyance for how much effort that took.

I stand up and look around. The room is spacious but appears as if no one has lived in it for a while. The bed is neatly made and the shelves are dusty but neatly arranged with books and other things. I go to check in the closet and freeze when I hear hissing. I glance at the room again and didn't see the large tom cat until it went to scratch at my face.

I stumble backwards in shock and tumble towards the floor with the cat stuck to me. I yell in pain as I try to get up while removing the cat from my body. The cat has sunken his claws into my shoulder and I yell in pain. I manage to grab the cat by its scruff, its nails tear at my skin as I pull it off and grab the handle of the closest door. I throw the cat in and slam the door, hearing it yodel and hiss in discontent.

I made a mistake though, the room I threw the cat in happened to be the closet. I smack myself upside the head and leave the bedroom to hunt for clothes once again. The house is dark, and I freeze to allow my eyes to adjust. There are photos of a family hanging along the wall. The hallway isn't long and there isn't much to look at. Three doors are on this floor though, so I go into a random one.

The room is smaller than the previous, but it appears as if someone lives in this one. Dirty clothes sit in a hamper next to the bathroom door and the bed is messed up. I walk towards the closet and yank the door open. Large shirts and pants are neatly hung up. The clothes are meant for a man and I sigh. I cant afford to be picky however and grab the smallest shirt and pants I could find. Then I walk into the mans bathroom.

The bathroom is clean and the shower looks so nice. I try to ignore the longing for hot water and turn to get dressed. I almost scream at what I see in front of me. The body length mirror shows my reflection. My skin is covered in blood from shifting and fighting with the evil tom cat and my hair is stark white once again. It would be no use to change while I look like this, so I grin and turn on the shower.

I quickly jump in and allow the steaming water to remove the pain in my muscles. I notice the bottle of Irish soap and use that to wash the grime off. I wince in pain when the soap touches the scratches. I take longer than necessary to shower even though I know the person who lives here can be home any minute. I soon realize I need to get out and dress quickly. I roll up the pants legs and gaze at my reflection once more. I dont look half bad now and smile. I go leave and open the door. I freeze in my tracks from the gun in my face.

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