Avelee Peterson is at the age where she is forced into marriage. Though she doesn't mind, each candidate has their downsides. Her three candidates are; Jaxon O'Neil, Prince of the south, Kaden Lewis, Prince of the east, and Cole Venders, prince of t...
I was wondering around the palace. It's so big I'm sure that there's rooms I've never entered before. Secret rooms that guards were sworn not to tell a soul about. I was in the basement of the palace. It was cold, lights were flickering. Not a soul was around. No maids, no guards, no nobody. Something made me feel the need to keep moving deeper down the halls of the basement. It was like a magnet pulling me inwards. I approached a gold door that I've never seen before. It appeared to be old, cobwebs were hanging around it. Funny I've never seen it in all these years. This isn't the first time I've been to the basement of the palace. I've lived here for nineteen years. I opened the gold door and stepped inside the mysterious room. It felt even colder then the hallway. The magnetic attraction was growing stronger. I heard a whimper of a child. To my left was a little girl. She reminded me of myself as a child. Blue eyes, blonde hair, and dark neatly groomed eyebrows. She looked maybe four years old.
"Mommy!" She cried out.
A tall man started walking towards her. He had a baseball bat in his hands.
"No no!" The little girl screamed. I've never heard a scream more powerful, more painful.
The man lifted the bat in the air and swung.
I screamed at the top of my lungs. I started running towards him to try and stop his swing.
"Avelee! Avelee!" I was shook awake by my maid.
I screamed and sat up quickly.
"Oh my dear." Addison, my maid said.
I was sweating. I haven't had a nightmare in so long.
"Seems like you just had a crazy dream."
"Yeah. It-It was so scary. So real."
"I thought the nightmares stopped." Addison said with sympathy in her eyes.
"I thought so too." I ran my hands through my hair. The nightmares used to be so bad I was put on medications for it.
"Well I came to wake you up. You must get ready. You and your family are airing on television in less than two hours."
"Right!" I jumped out of bed.
"I brought you up some breakfast. You eat well I get your bath ready."
"Okay. Thank you Addison."
I strongly appreciated Addison. She's been my maid since I can remember. She almost feels like family to me. Sadly, she's payed to spend her time with me. But I can tell she enjoys it. For the most part.
I was all ready. My family, we don't dress up in huge ball gowns like you'd think. We are quite casual with our attire. I just threw on a red, off the shoulder dress. Addison brushed out my hair. I had natural waves. Mom calls them beach waves.
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