Chapter 5

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I woke up around 6'o clock this morning. Sleep was not a motive. Today would be the day of the prince's arrivals. I decided to start my morning off with a light breakfast and a work out. For breakfast, I had oatmeal with cinnamon on top with peppermint tea. I threw on my favourite work out clothes. My black yoga pants, and white Adidas muscle tee. As I was walking down to the gym I spotted mom. Or, mom spotted me.

"Avelee dear. Don't spend hours in the gym like you did yesterday. The prince's will be here in three hours. We don't want them appearing with you greeting them with a sweat filled face."

"Yes mom."

"Make sure you have a guard outside the gym door. Make him tell you when an hour is up. That's your limit today of the use of the gym."

"Yes mom." I started to walk off not wanting to waste another minute of that hour of gym time.

I finally arrived and approached Wesley.

"Can you please time an hour for me?"

"Yes miss."

"Thank you. Also please, just call me Avelee."


I went straight to the mats and started with some stretches. I peaked out the door at Wesley. Standing there with a bored and tired look on his face.

"Wesley?" I called.

"Yes miss?"

"Could you please come here?" I ignored the fact he called me miss again, over Avelee.

"Of course." He walked inside the gym doors and stood above me.

"What do you think of this whole prince thing? I mean three prince's coming, and I pick one for marriage?" I asked as I was doing toe touches.

"My opinion on the matter is irrelevant."

"Not to me. I value all opinions. Personally, I think it's stupid. I feel like I'm some prize to a stupid game." 

"I suppose." 

"Sorry. I truly don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I just want somebody to discuss the subject with is all."

"Perhaps I'm not the correct person to discuss it with. But I feel honored you thought to discuss it with me." 

"The thing is. Nobody else understands. My parents don't. It's how they met. So they honor the idea of it. My brother, he doesn't help. My sister, she'd turn the situation on herself. She wishes she could have prince's come for her."

"What about your maids?"

"I don't know. Addison is sweet. But.. I've talked to her about it before. But."

"But, she didn't really help you feel any better about it?"

"Yeah." I gave a weak smile.

"Can't you just, cancel it? It's your life."

"I can't. It's been happening for centuries." 

"I see. Well who knows, maybe you really will fall in love with one of them. You'll have a year with each of them."

"It makes me feel like a player. Like pretty much three boyfriends at a time."

"I suppose."

"Avelee!" It was father.

"Yes father?" I replied.

"Come with me please." 

"Thanks." I stood up and smiled to Wesley.

As soon as we got a good distance away from the gym dad spoke.

"What are you doing talking to that guard?"

"Just friendly conversation."

"They aren't here to become our friends. They are here to ensure our safety."

"I know. But he looked bored. Plus he's super friendly. Don't you want to connect with them after all they do for us?"

"They are payed to be here. I don't have a care for whether they are bored or not."


"Avelee, enough. I don't want to see that again. You're done for the gym today. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the prince's arrivals?"

I looked at my watch.

"They aren't supposed to be here for another three hours." 

"Than go to the gardens, get some fresh air. I'm pretty sure Elijah is out there enjoying nature. Why don't you go join him. Have your friendly conversation with him. Your mom and I worry about your relationships with your brother and sister." 

"They don't have an interest in talking with me. Every time I talk with Elijah he's so negative. And Oaklynn, she only talks about herself, or what I have and she doesn't."

"Just. Deal with it. You're going to become queen. I want to start seeing some maturity from you." Dad walked off before I could say anything back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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