Chapter 5: Test

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~Tsukiya's POV~

We arrived at a building with many people trying to register as a hero. We already filled out a form and sent our pictures. Somehow, we all went to different areas to test for a physical so I wasn't able to see Genos and Saitama for a while. I was wearing a loose t-shirt and sweat pants. All of them were men, I barely see any women here and some of these guys are just wearing their underwear, making me cringe.
Guy: What's a brat like you doing here?
Guy 2: Yeah, go back home to your mommy!
Tsukiya: I'm also here to apply to be a hero so shut your mouths before I break your arms and legs so you won't be able to apply anymore.
Guy: Oh, sooo scary.
They laughed so I ignored them till the called my number.
Worker: Number 826, please come up.
I walked to the worker.
Worker: Lets start the first test.

~3rd Person POV~

It was running first, Tsukiya stood on a line with other people.
Worker: Cross to the finish line as fast as you can.
Tsukiya lighten his body and went into position.
Worker: Ready...
A gunshot was heard and before anyone could blink, Tsukiya was already at the finish line.
Worker: U-Um, .306 seconds!
Guy: WTF!
Guy 2: How's a brat like him be so fast?!
The physical continued, Tsukiya succeeding in all of them. After the physical test, he went to a room to take a written test. Once he was done, he went to the locker room to see Genos and Saitama.
Tsukiya: You guys done too?
Saitama: Yeah, we're changing.
Tsukiya: Kay.
They changed their clothes and Genos got their results back.
Tsukiya: Genos, open yours first.
Genos open his and it showed an S.
Saitama: An S?
Genos: I believe S is the highest rank.
Tsukiya: Good job Genos!
Tsukiya gave Genos a hug and he hugged back.
Tsukiya: I'll go next.
Tsukiya opened it to reveal an A.
Genos: A-class is second to S.
Tsukiya: I guess that's fine.
Saitama: What? You should've been S class.
Genos: I agree with sensei, you're superior than me, I'm going to complain.
Genos was about to go but he quickly stopped him.
Tsukiya: It's okay Genos! Being in S-class isn't that important, at least I got in to the second most highest.
Saitama: My turn.
Saitama opened his to reveal the top half of his letter.
Genos: Ah, sensei's in S-class too. As expected.
Tsukiya: I'll raise my rank to be S-class too, don't worry, I'll catch up!
Saitama: You'll do it in no time.
Saitama pulled his paper more to reveal a C than a S.
Tsukiya: You're actually C-class?
Genos: I must have mistaken, I assume by the shape of the top half, it's an S but Sensei gained a C instead. I'm going to give them a complaint.
Saitama: It's okay Genos! Same as Tsuki, I'll just gain more ranks.
Tsukiya: How are you in C-class? I'm pretty sure you'll be excellent at the physicals.
Genos: The written exam was really easy too.
Saitama: Written exam?
Tsukiya: Did you seriously not take it?
Saitama: Yep.
Tsukiya: *sighs* No wonder.
Genos: That explains Sensei, what about you Senpai?
Tsukiya: I did the written exam, it was super easy.
Genos: Did the head of the association ask to speak with you?
Tsukiya: No, why?
Genos: They were talking about how I destroy the house of evolution building and immediately put me in S-class.
Saitama: Ah, no wonder you're in S-class.
Tsukiya: Well, we're all bottom of our class for now. Let's go to the orientation.

~Tsukiya's POV~

We 3 sat on desk with a man in front of us. He looked pissed but I decided to ignore it.
?: (How could one easily be A and S class, I had to raise my rank. Then there's that nobody C class.)
I saw Saitama was chewing gum.
Tsukiya: When did you get gum? And why didn't you give me any!?
Saitama: I randomly found some.
Snek: Anyways, I'm Snek, an A-class hero, welcome to the hero association...
I was tuning out just like Saitama. I already learned what to do when I was with Mumen. So there was no reason for me to listen. I was watching Saitama blow a bubble and it was getting bigger and bigger.
Snek: Listen you brats!
Saitama's bubble gum popped, making it stick all over his face. I laughed as he tried to get it off while Genos was trying to help him.
Snek: Ugh, orientation is over. Just get out.
Saitama and I walked together, Genos had to go do something. We were minding our business when suddenly the Snek guy popped up.
Snek: Surprise orientation! This is a test to prove if you're worthy to be in your C-class, come at me!
He was immediately punched, leaving him unconscious.
Tsukiya: That was easy.
We left Snek and went home. The next day, we're at an empty field or something.
Genos: I'm officially your pupil now Sensei.
Saitama: I guess...
Genos looked at his phone.
Genos: We're all at the bottom of our classes since we just started. For now, it lists us as Genos, Tsukiya and Saitama but at some point we'll acquire hero names.
Tsukiya: Hero name?
Saitama: What's that?
Genos: Generally, it's a nickname that highlights a hero characteristics. For example, I could be the Blond Cyborg.
Saitama: I could be the Bald Cape.
Tsukiya: What would be mine?
Saitama laughs.
Saitama: Fedora Man.
Tsukiya: Shut up Baldy.
Saitama: Stop making fun of my head!
Tsukiya: Not my fault you trained so much that your hair couldn't keep up with your strength Baldy.
Genos: The names don't matter. Thank you for granting my request today Sensei.
Saitama: I did promise to take you on as my student. We'll spar but not too seriously, right?
Genos: No, I'm serious and I will make sure you are too.
Tsukiya: I'll watch you guys from above then.
Saitama: Kay, try not to get hit from the blast.
Tsukiya: I'll try if you don't aim at my direction dummy. Good luck Genos!
Genos: Thank you Senpai.

I floated up in the sky, watching them from above.
Tsukiya: I wonder how long Genos will last.
Genos got into a fighting position.
Genos: Now let us begin.
Genos started off strong, putting powerful attacks at Saitama but Saitama keeps dodging all of Genos's attacks. Genos suddenly appear in front of Saitama and uses his Incinerate move but Saitama was faster and pokes Genos's cheek. Saitama smiles as Genos turns around.
Saitama: Okay, I win.
Genos attacks but once again Saitama dodges.
Genos: Sensei...
Saitama: Yes?
Genos: Have you forgotten the rules? Please fight me seriously, don't worry about me and...keep fighting till I'm immobilize. That's is all!
Genos was caught off guard when Saitama appeared in front of him. Genos kicks but Saitama was faster, Saitama went behind Genos and was about to punch.
Tsukiya: Shit!
I quickly move out the way, going more up in the sky. Saitama punches in front of Genos but didn't hit him, instead he flicks his forehead.
Saitama: I'm hungry! Let's eat! How about we go for udon?
Genos: ....Yes, lets....
I came down and kicked Saitama behind the head but of course he wasn't effected by it.
Tsukiya: You almost hit me baldy!
Saitama: Hey, I knew you would dodge it.
Tsukiya: *sighs* Let's just go.
Genos: Wait, Senpai!
Tsukiya: Yes?
Genos: May I fight you too?
I use my powers on Genos, making the gravity of his body heavy, making Genos kneel on his knees.
Genos: W-What is-?
Tsukiya: I'm using my powers on you. You can't move at all right?
Genos: No...I-I can't move.
Tsukiya: Then I win, I may not be as powerful as Saitama but you're still years younger to defeat me Genos.
I release him, Genos stood up once again.
Genos: I see...I must train harder to be as strong as you two.
We arrived at a ramen shop. We sat down and looked at the menu.
Saitama: Oh look!
I look to see there was a challenge. Whoever finish their mega ramen bowl under an hour, it's free.
Saitama: Lets do the challenge, get ready to lose.
Genos: I'll do my best.
An hour later, Genos and I finished while Saitama is suffering.
Saitama: Damn y-your stomachs.
Genos: With my body, I'm able to dissolve the food inside of me. What about you Senpai?
Tsukiya: I have a big appetite.
Saitama: O-Oh yeah, you have an endless stomach. C-Curse you.
I laugh at his misery and then suddenly, someone walked in, making the people inside become silent. He was handsome, he had blue hair up to his shoulder, wearing sunglasses and his clothes were expensive. He was pretty tall too, about Genos's height, thinking about it makes me sad.

Girl: Oh my god, it's Amai Mask!Girl 2: Why is he here!?Girl 3: Should I ask for an autograph?!   The guy was looking around until he spotted us

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Girl: Oh my god, it's Amai Mask!
Girl 2: Why is he here!?
Girl 3: Should I ask for an autograph?!
The guy was looking around until he spotted us. He walked up to our table and stared at Genos and I.
Amai Mask: Are you two Genos and Tsukiya?
Genos: I'm Genos.
Tsukiya: Tsukiya here.
Amai Mask: I would like to talk to you two separately, come outside first Genos.
He walked out.
Saitama: This might be a surprise test Genos, he'll probably fight you two.
Tsukiya: Be careful Genos.
Genos walls out, after a few minutes Genos is wearing a frown on his face.
Saitama: Did you fight?
Genos: No Sensei, he just...welcomed me. He wants to speak with you now Senpai.
I went outside to see Amai Mask waiting for me.
Amai Mask: Tsukiya right?
Welcome to A-class.
Tsukiya: ...Thank you.
Amai Mask: How was the exam?
Tsukiya: It was easy, a baby could pass it.
Amai Mask: *smirks* I see. Well~ I hope you'll do well as an A-Class. Don't be a disappointment and ruin our image alright.
Tsukiya: I do what I want.
Amai Mask walks up besides me and grips my shoulder, he leans in next to my ears and whispers.
Amai Mask: Don't do anything stupid, the exams are a sham. You better live up to A-Class or else I'll personally deal with you. I don't want trash to ruin our image but you seem stronger than any other A-Class heroes.
He leans back and smiles like nothing happened.
Amai Mask: Good luck~! Rank up to S-Class.

I come back into the restaurant to see Saitama feeling better.
Saitama: Did he fight you?
Touma: No, we just...talked.
Saitama: Alright, lets go home.
We walked home but Genos pulled me behind Saitama, walking a little slower than Saitama.
Genos: What did he say to you?
Tsukiya: He just wants me to not ruin the A-Class image.
Genos: You'll do great.
Tsukiya: *smiles* Same to you.

~Next day~

It was the next day and we we're chilling. Saitama was shirtless with pajama pants, laying on a pillow while reading manga. I was floating in the air, playing on my handheld game. I heard a knock and I floated over to the door. I open to see Genos with a humongous backpack. Genos was in our living room now while Saitama stares at him.
Genos: May I live here?
Saitama: No
Genos brings out a huge stack of money.
Genos: I will pay rent.
Saitama: Do you have an extra toothbrush?
Tsukiya: Where did you even get that?

....So, Genos is now living with us.


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